{"id":2444,"date":"2009-01-27T16:02:20","date_gmt":"2009-01-27T21:02:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/?p=2444"},"modified":"2012-03-02T20:03:55","modified_gmt":"2012-03-03T01:03:55","slug":"offshore-cruising-encyclopedia-reviews","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/offshore-cruising-encyclopedia-reviews\/","title":{"rendered":"Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia reviews"},"content":{"rendered":"

Magazine Reviews<\/h4>\n

“Far and away the finest introduction to boats and cruising we’ve ever seen.” Latitude 38 (USA) “This comprehensive resource is both informative and useful for the crising boater…and the text is written in a clearly accessible narrative style.”
Power & Motoryacht (USA)<\/p>\n

“Vital for anybody planning to take up ocean voyaging as a lifestyle…Encapsulates a lifetime of cruising experience…Dipping into any section at random reveals a wealth of practical “hands-on” information which any cruiser would find valuable…An outstandingly detailed volume for sailors who are serious about their world cruise.”
Cruising Helmsman (Australia)<\/p>\n

“A complete source of inventive cruising tips and sea stories, culled from one liveaboard family’s vast cruising experience…all covered in an enjoyable narrative style.”
Lakeland Boating (USA)<\/p>\n

“The single most useful text available anywhere for sailors who are outfitting a boat for voyaging — full of good ideas, educated opinions, ingenious solutions, useful charts and tables, and world cruising savvy.” Blue Water Sailing (USA) “Cruising bible…indispensable.” Boat International “Comprehensive cruising advice…an absolute compendium of concise, definitive information for cruising sailors. The second edition, refined and updated from the first, contains so much information it defies a quick description. For thoroughness…the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia is unparalleled. For those who cruise there is not another book on the market as comprehensive as this one.”
Practical Sailor (USA)<\/p>\n

“This…second edition…is a good source…for people interested in pursuing the voyaging lifestyle. At 1,200 pages…the second version is even more in-depth than the first edition. Put simply, it includes discussions on just about everything from light displacement hull design to keeping your kids happy on long passages.”
Ocean Navigator (USA)<\/p>\n

“Comprehensive and utterly fascinating, this rather expensive doorstop of a book, now in its second edition, would be a superb reference book for anyone planning a long cruise. The authors have cruised all over the world and Steve Dashew’s designs, notably the speedy Deerfoot and Sundeer, are famous for being full of innovation that stretches (unusually) to the genuine practicalities of living on and maintaining a yacht. If you’ve ever wanted to consult the views of an expert, a yacht designer with real hands-on experience at the sharp end, this book is a sort of detailed consultation. A whacking 1,200 pages are filled with information on everything from choosing the right propeller, davits, or charging system to sea berths and upholstery. And every conceivable subject in between.”
Yachting World (United Kingdom)<\/p>\n

“A bible for ocean cruising people.”
Varen: Maandblad Voor de Watersport (Belgium)<\/p>\n

“…A remarkable book. The Dashews are an American couple with a wealth of experience, not just in cruising under sail, but in running a successful yacht design and construction company (Sundeer Yachts)…. this is a comprehensive view of modern cruising, and modern yachts, gear, and equipment, written by an engineer who has had first hand experience with much of the gear, either in his own boats, or in yachts he’s been responsible for building for well heeled customers. It’s a modern equivalent to the late Eric Hiscock’s Cruising Under Sail, combining practical knowledge and advice on international cruising with comprehensive information on equipment options.” “Steve does advance his own philosophy of what makes a good cruising boat, but this doesn’t detract from what really is an encyclopedic work on modern yachting gear and systems, and even includes a sample building contract. The writing includes numerous references to the Dashew’s own cruising experiences with their children, and is very readable, copiously illustrated…and has a great index. I was impressed with the Dashews’ penchant for well researched, modern and technically sound solutions to a range of common cruising problems when I met them cruising in the late 70’s. They’ve just returned to the US from a French Polynesian cruise, so they are both experienced, and still current. At 1232 pages, and 7cm thick, Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia is something of a tome, but well worth consulting if you cruise, are fitting out to cruise, or intend to have a boat built for cruising.”
Modern Boating (Australia)<\/p>\n

“We have discovered the most trendsetting and complete guide for long distance sailors in the USA. The husband-and-wife sailing team Linda and Steve Dashew, together good for more than 175,000 nautical cruising miles, are responsible for putting together this most thorough and lively work. This new 2nd edition contains literally anything and everything you would ever want to know about cruising. In these 1232 Pages there are some 2200 issues presented with 2500 photos and detailed illustrations to boot. Two kilos of pure knowledge from the experts will expand your know-how on countless subjects such as yacht design, finishing and interiors both above and below deck, construction, sails and towing, motortechnics, forward stowing, electronics, modern communications, safety, life on board, sailing locations, and still much much more. This book is exceptionally complete, true to life, and absolutely a recommendation for yourself or as a gift for your partner.”
Zeilen (Netherlands)<\/p>\n

“This is surely the finest, most complete, authoritative and, above all, most human among the guides to the serious side of ocean voyaging and local cruising. The Dashews share knowledge they have collected over years of sailing and designing their own yachts, and every bit of it will enhance our safety and enjoyment aboard. My hat is off to the authors for a great accomplishment.”
Yachting (USA)<\/p>\n

“Everything you’ll ever need to know about offshore cruising from people who have been there. A true encyclopedia built on first-hand knowledge.”
Motor Boating and Sailing (USA)<\/p>\n

“Encyclopedia is the right word for this huge reference book, which for years will be a standard guide for sailors preparing to go cruising. The Dashews are vastly experienced…they know what it takes to live comfortably and safely aboard a yacht, both at sea and in the marina. Steve is a skilled engineer, rigger, and boatbuilder who has borrowed from the best of traditional and modern yacht design to produce some excellent seagoing boats. Linda has studied all the possibilities of cabin arrangements and designed handsome, functional interiors. Together they have sailed thousands of miles, lived aboard for years at a time, created many wonderful yachts, and written this important book.”
John Rousmaniere, author of The Annapolis Book of Seamanship; Fastnet, Force 10; and other books.<\/p>\n

“This is a time of great change in sailing design and technology, yet the most important elements of the sport remain the same — seaworthy design, sound construction, and good seamanship. Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia effectively relates the necessities to the possibilities, and in doing so will prove itself a valuable reference for serious cruising.”
Sailing World (USA)<\/p>\n

“Steve and Linda Dashew are the Leo Tolstoys of sailing books. Their recently published Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia, Second Edition, is not only very long — 1232 pages, with more than 2500 drawings and illustrations — but it’s also very good. Lifelong sailors with nearly 200,000 ocean miles on a variety of boats — and often with children — they have the on-the-water experience to write with authority. Having also been involved in the design and\/or building process of more than 50 large cruising boats around the world, they’ve also got a good handle on the technical aspects. The Dashews’ tome works in three distinct ways. First, it’s a fine reference work from which to get a good background on every conceivable aspect of cruising boats from the bottom of the keel to the top of the mast. Everything from the compressive yields of rudder bearings to bunk dimensions to price comparisons of different hull materials. Secondly, there is sensible advice on a world of topics of interest to cruisers — such as the pros and cons of different styles and types of boats, rigs, anchors, and such; on the possibilities of making money while cruising; on how to get along with locals, and so forth. Thirdly, many of the encyclopedia’s topics are backed with anecdotal stories from the Dashews’ seemingly unlimited number of cruising friends and acquaintances. As such, The Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia makes for enjoyable bedtime reading for non-technical sailors, too…If you’re new to sailing or are interested in increasing both your theoretical and practical knowledge of all aspects of cruising, we can’t imagine why you wouldn’t purchase the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. “The most beautiful island in the world is Fatu Hiva in the Marquesas, according to Steve and Linda Dashew, sailors who have gone everywhere worth going in a sailboat. I used to think, on the basis of what I read, that Moorea held that honor, and recently someone nominated Bora Bora. So now, instead of wanting to go to Moorea and Bora Bora, I want to see Fatu Hiva. This moves my dream a few hundred miles northeast in the South Pacific, but I remain as unlikely as ever to see them. For the moment we can all read about Fatu Hiva and a thousand other things in the Dashews’ marvelous book, Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. They’ve seen and done everything worth doing in a boat, and now they’re ready to share it with you. The book…will become the bible of blue-water cruising. If you’re planning to sail around the world or some major portion thereof, don’t leave home without digesting their advice. And if you’re an armchair sailor, you can still enjoy this readable book and learn from its nine comprehensive sections.”
Boating (USA)<\/p>\n

“Modern equivalent of Eric Hiscock’s work; enough practical advice to last a long, long time.”
Wooden Boat (USA)<\/p>\n

“The Dashews stress the interrelation of…decisions and gives the affects the other. Clearly, the intent is to help boat owners find and use the best ideas for their own situation.”
Cruising World (USA)<\/p>\n

“This is a book of superlatives…it will likely replace four books in your library…obviously of great value for any owner who wants to upgrade any system…recommendations are extremely complete.”
Sailing Canada<\/p>\n

Marine Industry Reviews<\/h4>\n

“If you are equipping, buying, or building a boat the Dashew’s reference work will prove invaluable. Every serious sailor ought to have this book.”
Chuck Paine, yacht designer<\/p>\n

“The Dashews’ book is indispensable to the point where I keep one copy in my office and another on my boat.”
Robert Perry, yacht designer<\/p>\n

“This book is the most comprehensive and sound cruising reference yet produced. Anyone with an open mind and a sensible”up-to-date” approach would soon regard it as THE indispensable \u00cevade mecum, “Hiscock for the year 2000.”
Angelo Lavranos, yacht designer<\/p>\n

“…a best seller for years to come. A real service to the sailing group.”
Bill Garden, yacht designer<\/p>\n

“Your new Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia is a must for the cruising yachtsman. Not withstanding that Offshore is written with the sailor in mind, I believe it will be a vast source of knowledge to the offshore motoryacht owner as well. Thanks for a greatly needed publication.”
David Fraser, President, David Fraser Inc. Yacht and Ship Brokers<\/p>\n

“Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia, with a refreshingly candid style, manages to unclutter an overwhelming array of practical information. This book is essential to decision making concerning the cruising lifestyle and related yacht systems…balanced with alternate points of view demonstrating many logical variations for the same results.”
Bob Williams. Sea Air Land Technologies<\/p>\n

“Reading Steve Dashew’s book Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia explained what I had seen with my eyes, felt with my hands, and sensed up through my arse riding S\/V Jean Marie around this ball we live on. If you don’t have Dashew’s book, get it and read it – it is by far the most comprehensive and authoritative tome on the subject of cruising yachts available today. It seems like most of today’s cruising authors have either strong technical backgrounds, and little practical experience, or vice-versa. Dashew and his savvy wife have both. For a serious cruiser, his books are not just for reading, they are for studying and reference. I am in mine on a weekly basis.”
Circumnavigator Tom Service – S\/V Jean Marie<\/p>\n

Reader Reviews<\/h4>\n

“First, thanks for all the terrific info in the ‘Encyclopedia’ – it’s making my life much easier in getting started in the sailing life.”
D.M., via e-mail<\/p>\n

“Thank you for the Cruising Encyclopedia…fantastic.”
L. B., Perth, Western Australia<\/p>\n

“I have owned a copy of your original Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia for several years and refer to it constantly. I have grown to respect your perspective and advice…Thanks for a great publication.”
R.G., Baja, Mexico<\/p>\n

“One of the best books I have seen on the subject.”
E.L, via e-mail<\/p>\n

“I enjoyed reading the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia so much… I have 100’s of books about sailing…and I have many years of sailing experience. I truly believe that only (this book) can teach me something I didn’t already know!”
P.B., via e-mail<\/p>\n

“It’s a hit and will be very useful”.
C.D., via e-mail<\/p>\n

“Great job on its contents and construction – first class!”
Bill, via e-mail<\/p>\n

“The book is fantastic.”
O.S., via e-mail<\/p>\n

“An amazing book.”
J.W., via e-mail<\/p>\n

“We have the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and the Mariner’s Weather Handbook, as well as the Dashew Offshore video …and have enjoyed them immensely.”
M.D., via e-mail<\/p>\n

“I was fortunate enough to receive both the Encyclopedia and Surviving the Storm for X-mas. Yea me. Both a hugely informative and exceptionally well done, my complements…Thanks for your time and expertise.”
E.S., Marina del Rey, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“I recently bought the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. As I am a total novice in the world of cruising, the book turned up to be a powerful tool in the process of gaining knowledge in the field.”
L.Y., Israel<\/p>\n

“I constantly enjoy the Offshore Encyclopedia, finding good advice on almost any question I have.” E.B., Sweden “Thank you. The Offshore Cuising Book is great…I couldn’t put it down last night.”
R.A., Westlake Village, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“Your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia has proven invaluable during the refit (of our Westsail 42).”
J. & D.K., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Last year I read your O.C.E. and have just got into Surviving the Storm, both excellent works – thank you. They were worth 2X the price, as they helped me start to put some of the art of design into some perspective of reality which I am trying to apply to my proposed use.”
D.H., Nashville, TN, USA<\/p>\n

“Just bought your encyclopedia for cruising and finding it very useful. Just having my own 55 footer built in Australia in aluminium so finding lots of good comments I can use.”
J.W., Australia, by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Really enjoying the Cruising Encyclopedia…Great information!”
G. and C.S., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I am about 1\/3 through your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia…You all produce an awesome product! Congratulations.”
B. and L.K., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Thank you and keep up the good work. Your book is invaluable and has given us the confidence to follow our dream.”
M. and S.R., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I am following your book as a guide (maybe I should say bible, as I suspect many others are also).”
B.F., Palm Beach Gardens, FL<\/p>\n

“I received the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia together with the Dashew Offshore Video. I’ve been reading and watching with great interest. Oh, what great information it is.”
S.W., G\u0161teborg, Sweden<\/p>\n

“A quick e-mail to let you know how much I appreciate your books. I own the Offshore Cruising Encylopedia and The Mariners Weather Handbook. I used both books extensively in preparation for a first offshore voyage (New York – Bermuda – New York) in my Catalina 42 MkII. Although I have done the trip before as a crewmember on other boats, this offshore trip was a first as skipper of my own boat and, as you know, it introduces a whole new set of responsibilities. I found the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia to be a tremendous source of information on equipment and preparation (I added an inner forestay and running backstays to my production sloop)…My congratulations on your first-class books. I can only wonder about the amount of research and effort that goes into them.”
M.Y., Port Washington, NY<\/p>\n

“I found the book interesting, informative, and, by far, the most authoritatively written compendium of marine information I have ever read.” D.E., Newport Beach, CA “I am reading your book and would like to express my compliments on the thoroughness.”
A.T., Houston, TX,<\/p>\n

“By the way, I have your encyclopedia on CD and book. Love it. I look through it before I start any project to get your perspective.”
G.W., Nevada City, CA<\/p>\n

“I’ve loved reading and re-reading your Cruising Encyclopedia, and I’m convinced by a number of the approaches you’ve taken…”
X.L., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“…A fantastic guideline for sailors…(with) all kinds of tips and safety issues (which) we put on our 37ft sailboat.”
P.S., West-Graftdijk, Holland<\/p>\n

“…Surpasses all my expectations.”
C.S, Gauteng, South Africa<\/p>\n

“Via this e-mail I want to thank you folks for writing the Encyclopedia and the Weather Handbook. Both have been of great value from the moment I bought them…”
H.V., Holland<\/p>\n

“I have your very very informative book…Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia edition 2, a really fantastic book…”
M.A., Australia<\/p>\n

“I am truly delighted with it – it is magnificent, and I wish I had ordered the CD-ROM as well…I look forward to many evenings of wonderful reading and planning. Thank you for such a wonderful book – I shall treasure it.”
T.M., Suva, Fiji Islands<\/p>\n

“Thank you for making important contributions to the art of cruising. I get so much useful information from watching your (Dashew Offshore Video) tapes.”
J.D., North Massapequa, NY, USA<\/p>\n

“I am very happy with the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and CD format. If the weather book is half the quality I’ll still be happy. The CD format is something new to me but works very well and is much more portable.”
E.W., Antananarivo, Madagascar<\/p>\n

“I have your Encyclopedia…we call it the Bible in my house.”
B.C., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Have the Cruising Encyclopedia and enjoy it immensely.”
J.M., Kansas City, MO, USA<\/p>\n

“Keep up the great service to the cruising community. Just ordered the Weather Handbook. If it is as complete and well done as the Encyclopedia it will be studied and read and read and read.”
K.M., Bay St. Louis, MS, USA<\/p>\n

“I very much enjoyed your Encyclopedia…”
R.D., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia was a great help in my cruise last year.”
J.K, San Francisco, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“Your Encyclopedia is very useful in our preparation for a 5 to 10 year cruise.”
G.W., Blauwbergstrand, South Africa<\/p>\n

“Have now purchased and read both Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and Mariner’s Weather Handbook. Please pass on to the Dashews our appreciation for two great books – they are now considered the foundation of our cruising library, and we have read everything we could find over the past years.”
T.F., Toronto, ON, Canada<\/p>\n

“I received and read both Mariner’s Weather Handbook and Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia cover-to-cover in a matter of a few weeks. Great books!! They were both very informative and extremely interesting. I very much enjoyed the sections which included personal accounts…Both books will make a wonderful addition to my home reference library. Thank you!!”
T.D, Italy<\/p>\n

“Received your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia Second Edition for Christmas…and I cannot stop reading it.”
D.F., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Your ad should read ‘Buy the Book First–Before You Buy the Boat.’ Being new to boating 6 months I did it the other way. I bought the boat–and was in the process of ripping it to pieces when I bought your book. What an eye opener.”
D.J., Perth, Australia<\/p>\n

“I call it (no blasphemy intended) the cruising bible.”
K.H., Long Beach, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“…An excellent book, full of useful tips and ideas.”
C.B., Australia<\/p>\n

“I received the book and it’s everything as advertised and then some. I really enjoy the no nonsense make up your own mind approach, and my wife is suffering late nights with the bedside light on.”
M.S., Knysna, South Africa<\/p>\n

“We are from Australia and have purchased your 2nd edition Cruising Encyclopedia. We have read it a million times as we are in the process of refitting a Boden 42ft steel ketch and are looking forward to the cruising lifestyle with our two small children in the new year.”
L.H., Australia<\/p>\n

“I want to congratulate you on a very informative piece of work, the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia.Thank you for your work in bringing this book to the public.”
R.T., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“We have received the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and the two-hour Dashew Offshore Video. Congratulations for those products! They are truly very useful to us.”
R.C., Barcelona, Spain<\/p>\n

“[My husband] reads it every time he has a chance. He finds it very informative and helpful. He is delighted with it!”
C.S., South Africa<\/p>\n

“I received your…Encyclopedia in the post last week.(all the way to Tasmania) Since than I have been transfixed by its scope, readability, and your sheer design audacity.”
J.G., Australia<\/p>\n

“Having (not yet completely) read your Cruising Encyclopedia I was really fascinated by the amount of in-depth knowledge. Moreover, it was fun to read it! Congratulations!”
A.B., Germany<\/p>\n

“Your sailing encyclopedia sure is a wealth of knowledge.”
T.M., Fairbanks, AK, USA<\/p>\n

“I am a happy owner of your OCE. Whenever there’s a question, I check the OCE and I’ll have an answer. It’s a fantastic source of information !”
J.K., Denmark<\/p>\n

“…An incredible achievement. My compliments to you all…a true labor of love and dedication.”
D.N., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“A fantastic book…”
C.L., Sweden<\/p>\n

“Thank you for writing your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia – II. We are in the process of overhauling and outfitting our CSY-44 S\/V Jean Marie for our second circumnavigation (west about via Cape Horn & Suez). We recommend or reference OCE-II almost on a daily basis…As the ombudspersons for Blue Water Insurance (largest provider of two-crew yacht insurance in North America) we have recommended your book to the readers of our newsletter.”
T.S., St. Petersburg, FL, USA<\/p>\n

“…I have found your books and videos an invaluable tool in helping me determine what I need to go cruising. THANK YOU! Your Cruising Encyclopedia even now sits open on my coffee table, as I refer to the more technical aspects (hull design, materials, rigging) of learning what sort of boat will best suit my needs…”
A.B., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“What I appreciate most is that it acts like a catalyst for new ideas, or when the mind is stuck in a corner. Thank you for (this) intelligent ‘bible.'”
S.J., Sweden<\/p>\n

“…the book is great!”
D.S., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I congratulate you on your fine…Offshore Encyclopedia Ver. II. It is an excellent book and has given me many hours of enjoyable and informative reading.”
B.H., Australia<\/p>\n

“You Dashews make a great book. I have spent the past year converting a Ron Holland 47′ IOR racer…into a global cruiser. I referred to your book many times, and there is evidence of a bit of ‘Dashew’ throughout.”
J.S., Long Beach, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“I just want you to know how much I have enjoyed your book and how impressed I am with you, your boats, and the book which must be the most exhaustive of it’s kind. It will find a revered place in my sailing library. Thanks so much.”
J.M., by email<\/p>\n

“I love your book!!!… When I read your book it gave me enthusiasm and a further understanding from a complete systems point of view to carry on planning and workingon my boat.”
J.B., Australia<\/p>\n

“I immediately read the book from cover to cover and now I have been consulting it on most decisions I make about outfitting Sea Drift. I have put it to good use over that past 6 months. It is well worth what I paid for it.”
T.M., by email<\/p>\n

“I keep the Encyclopedia at hand when cruising and have enjoyed your …(Dashew Offshore Video) on several occasions (I have non-sailing friends who ask what it’s like out there so I pull out your video).”
R.H., Canada<\/p>\n

“I have learned an incredible amount from your previous books and I want to thank you for the effort. I am planning on finally getting the boat next year after working my butt off to get the cash and your advice will be invaluable during fitting up, etc. before the big cruise.”
F.T., by email<\/p>\n

“Thank you for publishing such a wonderful resource and education tool for offshore cruisers.”
J.B., Dallas, TX, USA<\/p>\n

“I have read …Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia over and over again, a brilliant reference when it comes to anything that has to do with sailing.”
C.L., Sweden<\/p>\n

“Yesterday I purchased your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia II and am excited by all of the information you have managed to pack into it. The CD-ROM is a great feature as well…My wife and I… recently decided to start cruising and plan to leave for at least five years… It is an ambitious goal but possible…Experience along with your book will make our preparations easier.” K.H., Seattle, WA, USA<\/p>\n

“Love the book!”
K.M., Balboa Island, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“I’ve just… finished reading the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. I thoroughly enjoyed it and agree with all of the glowing accolades it has received.”
M.B., Hopewell, VA, USA<\/p>\n

“Love your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia.”
P.W., Bainbridge Island, WA, USA<\/p>\n

“Thank you for a wonderful book written for sailors and yacht designers alike. Opening the book and reading about your experiences…is a real enjoyment.”
E.S., Finland<\/p>\n

“I want to tell you that I have been unable to put down the Encyclopedia since last evening when I opened the package. I also watched the video and completely enjoyed it. I have been sailing since I was a teenager (I am now 45) but I have probably learned more in the last day than any other period since then.”
M.W., Elizabethton, TN, USA<\/p>\n

“I bought the Offshore Cruising Encyclopdia in a Bookstore in Fort Lauderdale about 3 weeks ago after a long search in Germany, and it was worth the wait.”
M.K., Germany<\/p>\n

“Congratulations. Your Cruising Encyclopedia is just what I was looking for. I like people who believe in themselves enough to try their ideas in the real world.Keep up the good work.”
F.C., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I often use both editions of (Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia)…plus your videos, for reference, enjoyment, and inspiration.”
G.P., Santa Barbara, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“I have found the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia the best book about boating I have ever read.”
G.E., Italy<\/p>\n

“Your encyclopedia is my bible.”
J.H., Vancouver, Canada<\/p>\n

“Your book is so inspiring, it stirs me up not only about the magic of cruising, but about fulfilling ALL of one’s life and potential. Great book! Great food for one’s dreams!”
S.H., Glendale, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“For those who think the book is expensive this is the case of value exceeding cost. The Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia is really one of the great values in boating today.”
C.S., Anchorage, AK, USA<\/p>\n

“I loved this book and refer back to it often.”
R.O., Friday Harbor, WA, USA<\/p>\n

“The finest of all cruising books — an incredible source of information. The video is also exceptional.”
R.E., Rochester, NY, USA<\/p>\n

“I hereby confirm it is a true best buy, not only regarding the contents of the book, (but) also with respect to the price per page. It is a great book which stimulates me to dream even more about offshore cruising.”
K.T., the Netherlands<\/p>\n

“The book is very impressive and the video captivating.”
A.L., New Zealand<\/p>\n

“…Finding the information useful in…the construction and final outfitting (of) my 38′ Ingrid…Thanks again for the fine and informative publication and video.”
S.W., Union, WA, USA<\/p>\n

“What a wonderful book. Everything I could possibly want to know about turning our cruising dream into a reality.”
K.R., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Looking forward to more good, practical info. Thanks.”
R.J., Holland, MI, USA<\/p>\n

“I have just received the book and I’m truly amazed! When you say ENCYCLOPEDIA, you aren’t kidding!”
C.S., Vista, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“Currently busy with Volume II…Finding it very informative…[It] has been providing many hours of enjoyable reading…”
S.H., England<\/p>\n

“It was the perfect Christmas gift!”
J.R., Littleton, CO, USA<\/p>\n

“I can hardly stop reading the book. I am very impressed with the down-to-earth, commonsense approach to cruising and boat design.”
M.Z., Oman<\/p>\n

“…both my wife and I have read the book twice now and know everything there is to know about cruising! We are ready to buy our boat.”
L.L., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I am finding your new edition exceptionally helpful, as I did with your first edition of Offshore Cruising…With the help of your books and some local expertise, I believe I will achieve the goal (of fitting out my boat for extended cruising). Thanks for your great work! The Dashew family is truly an inspiration!”
J.K., Cambridge, MD, USA<\/p>\n

“We have started reading the book…[and] are very pleased with [it] as the contents are exactly what we have been seeking for a long time. The books and videos we already have do not cover the information nearly as well as the products you have put together.”
S. D., Australia<\/p>\n

“A few weeks ago I bought your latest edition of the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. Congratulations, a real accomplishment!”
K.B., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I have just finished reading the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia, and enjoyed it enormously.”
D.W., Salt Lake City, UT, USA<\/p>\n

“The Encyclopedia is sensational!”
N.K., Sonoma, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“I liked the book so much I gave mine to a friend and bought a second copy. Great work.”
D.K., Camarillo, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“I have been reading your latest version of Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. Great work.”
F.G., Canada<\/p>\n

“An excellent resource for dreamers, doers, and those (like myself) in-between.”
R.S., Canada<\/p>\n

“I have received the Cruising Encyclopedia…and it is, by far, the best book about sailing I’ve read. Thank you!”
T.T., Sweden<\/p>\n

“I found the 2nd Edition so good I’d like to order a copy to keep on my boat and leave one at home.”
J.Z., Hong Kong<\/p>\n

“I’m enjoying it immensely: 300 pages in 4 days, so far.”
R.R., Mamaroneck, NY<\/p>\n

“(It) so happens that your Second Edition is timely, as we are beginning our quest for a 48-to-60-foot blue water sail boat to prepare to break away into the real blue water. I am a quarter of the way through the new edition and enjoy the learning and wit. Keep up the good work.”
R.W., Naperville, IL, USA<\/p>\n

“…The book is just terrific. Clear, accessible, (and) just as good as advertised.”
B.F., Seattle, WA, USA<\/p>\n

“…It certainly appears to be worth twice its price.”
S.M. , San Francisco, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“The book is EXCELLENT – I have not had much time to look at it in depth, but what I have read, particularly the sections on yacht design and the philosophy behind Sundeer and Beowulf, has been fascinating.”
T.G., England<\/p>\n

“I found (the) books and video to be excellent and well worth the wait…Good job!”
C.M., Singapore<\/p>\n

“I’ve just received my copy of the updated Encyclopedia. It is much more than I’d hoped for…It looks like a labor of love. I can only imagine the effort expended. WELL DONE!”
D.T., Wesley Chapel, FL, USA<\/p>\n

“I received the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia a few days ago…Already from the first few pages I can tell you that I am completely satisfied. I think it is a magnificent book. Congratulations and many thanks.”
R.C., Switzerland<\/p>\n

“Just received your much expanded Second Edition Encyclopedia — a Beethovenian effort. We find it very informative…”
G.S., Guilford, CT, USA<\/p>\n

“…A fine book for sailors.”
A.S., Germany<\/p>\n

“Thank you very much for your new book. I am thrilled with it.”
D.M., Irvine, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“…I’d like to give you a bouquet of flowers for a very high-quality…product: The Encyclopedia.”
S.J., Sweden<\/p>\n

“You’ve done a great job in educating anyone interested in cruising or sailboat design. I hope you’ll continue to give us the benefit of your experience and knowledge.”
J.L., Oceanside, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“…A terrific source of information and guidance in my ongoing boat building\/learning experience.” P.L., Canada “…The best, most complete reference I’ve read in 25 years. We are planning a circumnavigation of the Atlantic on our new J-42 in two years and your book has cemented my resolve to do it. It has been most helpful in planning and outfitting the boat.”
B.S., Grand Rapids, MI, USA<\/p>\n

“Always great information based on well-thought-out and practiced ideals.”
B.G., Las Vegas, NV, USA<\/p>\n

“I am a COMPLETELY satisfied and happy owner of Offshore Cruising Encyc. and Bluewater Handbook. I have read both at least once and I have watched your videos at least a dozen times each….I am an Electrical Engineer and always enjoy the detail you go into with each system you analyze. Reading your books has made me aware of things I could not dream about since I have little hands-on experience…I do not own a boat yet but I do read A LOT about sailing and I am hoping to sail into the sunset one of these days.”
N.G., Pompton Plains, NJ, USA<\/p>\n

“One of my favorite books…”
J.S., Los Altos Hills, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“(The) ultimate TOME…Can’t wait to start picking your minds again!”
J.Z., Los Angeles, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“I thoroughly enjoyed…Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. Most of my sailing is coastal cruising, but I have learned many valuable lessons from your excellent publication. As a licensed captain, I do have aspirations of offshore sailing and your book has certainly helped to prepare me for many situations. My compliments to both Steve and Linda, whom I already consider friends from their writing….Thank you for your efforts.” E.B., Hollywood, FL, USA “You’ve provided a tremendous service to the boating community. I applaud you for your efforts.”
J.G., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I read this book from cover to cover, and regularly re-read many portions. You could say it is my bible, and it is the checklist for my new yacht — a 60-foot catamaran…”
W.V., The Netherlands<\/p>\n

“We appreciate all the good advice from the Dashews, and put it to work.”
C.D., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA<\/p>\n

“Thanks for a great book. Looking forward to the latest.”
D.C., Norwalk, CT, USA<\/p>\n

“…Truly an excellent reference book.”
C.S., North Pole, AK, USA<\/p>\n

“Your Encyclopedia is a gold mine for any sailboat owner. Thank you.”
F.P., Canada<\/p>\n

“Your books will save me not only time and money in putting my cruise together but will ensure my safety aboard. Thank you so much.”
L. L.<\/p>\n

“Your books are so detailed that I have turned them yellow with a highlighter pen. “
J. H., Dunwoody, GA, USA<\/p>\n

“The book is wonderful, informative and well laid-out… it’s also tremendously inspirational.”
B. T., Irvine, CA, USA<\/p>\n

“Thank you for your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and the many, many hours of sheer enjoyment I have received while living vicariously through your shared knowledge and experiences…The book is superb on material coverage, which makes it obvious why you decided on the world “encyclopedia” to the book’s title…Again, thank you for the many hours of enjoyment…”
A. A., Brentwood, NY, USA<\/p>\n

“Reading the Encyclopedia finally pushed me into doing something more practical…I need an awful lot more practical experience, but every little helps, and I found that I could make better judgments…based on what I’d read in the Encyclopedia.”
D.W., Beaverlodge, Alberta, Canada<\/p>\n

“Congratulations to Steve and Linda on Book II. Wow!! Wound up reading it in one sitting as it reads like a cup of coffee with friends…Lovely family you have, thanks for sharing some of your experiences with so many of us.”
J.V., Englewood, CO<\/p>\n

“Your first edition of the Cruising Encyclopedia was great…I read it cover to cover. I was hesitant to invest in OCE II, but after having just finished the chapter on sails, I can say that this edition is outstanding. I finally got the big picture on cruising sails.”
M.D., Ft. Lauderdale, FL<\/p>\n

“…The Encyclopedia is just fabulous. Thank you.”
F.M., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“I am really enjoying browsing through the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia –it is certainly a very enjoyable, entertaining and informative book…Cost plenty here in Australia but worth every penny! …Thanks for the book. I know that I shall bet heaps of enjoyment and inspiration from it to keep the dream alive!”
J.A., Claremont, Australia<\/p>\n

“Thank you again for all your hard work and sharing of your experience and knowledge.”
S.K., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Going through the Encyclopedia I have found a mine of useful information that can be applied to all types of sailing boats. It is the only book that I know of that covers such an up-to-date, informed and complete range of subjects relating to a modern cruising yacht.”
G.H., Hong Kong<\/p>\n

“If this updated version is half as good as the first one it will be of invaluable assistance to me.”
R.P., Downsview, Ontario, Canada<\/p>\n

“My husband has been glued to our copy ever since it came!”
M.F., Brisbane, Australia<\/p>\n

“Your book is just great.”
A.L., Hong Kong<\/p>\n

“Am enjoying your book immensely…I love getting lost in it.”
M.B., Burbank, CA<\/p>\n

“Reading the Encyclopedia finally pushed me into doing something more practical…I need an awful lot more practical experience, but every little helps, and I found that I could make better judgments…based on what I’d read in the Encyclopedia.”
D.W., Beaverlodge, Alberta, Canada<\/p>\n

“Congratulations to Steve and Linda on Book II. Wow!! Wound up reading it in one sitting as it reads like a cup of coffee with friends…Lovely family you have, thanks for sharing some of your experiences with so many of us.”
J.V., Englewood, CO<\/p>\n

“Your first edition of the Cruising Encyclopedia was great…I read it cover to cover. I was hesitant to invest in OCE II, but after having just finished the chapter on sails, I can say that this edition is outstanding. I finally got the big picture on cruising sails.”
M.D., Ft. Lauderdale, FL<\/p>\n

“…The Encyclopedia is just fabulous. Thank you.”
F.M., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Fantastic book! Don consulted Offshore Cruising extensively while planning and equipping of our brand new Valient 40 Windwalker. I use it frequently to clarify certain aspects as I adjust to living aboard as we prepare to cruise the Bahamas….Keep up the book work.”
G.C., Flossmoor, IL.<\/p>\n

“I recently purchased your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and have enjoyed reading it from cover to cover….You have given me much food for thought especially with regard to equipment and interiors.”
G.O., Quebec, Canada<\/p>\n

“Your encyclopedia is a gold mine for any sailboat owner and I can imagine the incredible amount of work putting this together must have been. Thank you.”
F.P., Montreal, Canada<\/p>\n

“Thank you for the very enjoyable two weeks I spent reading your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia which I obtained through the Dolphin Book Club. It was well worth the price. I highlighted something with yellow marker on just about every page.”
G.M., Pass-a-Grille, FL<\/p>\n

“I congratulate you on your ability to put down on paper in the form of your book Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia your thoughts and experiences in a clear and concise manner. I have spent many hours reading and rereading your book discovering and learning something new each time.”
G.M., Queensland, Australia<\/p>\n

“Many of the ideas in your book have provided food for thought as we consider how best to fit out our boat.”
A.G., Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia<\/p>\n

“I am enjoying your book immensely. My brain becomes more wrinkled at each turn of the page. I (and my wife Lynn) am building a Roberts 36 custom interior ….I have spent time at sea in the navy and find your book as a very helpful guide, much like the order and discipline of that institution. I find it somewhat comforting to look at what I have built and see the same recommended features outlined in your book. In deference to your view about boat building in general, I for one am completely satisfied with my choice and love every minute of it.”
D.R., Sanford, FL<\/p>\n

“I’m here in a lovely anchorage having just completed a solo crossing of the Atlantic Ocean on Solstice, my new Prout 34 catamaran. I am writing to tell you that your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia was on board and in constant use during the trip and through the medium of its pages I feel like you have become a teacher, guide,inspiration, and finally a friend to me. Your knowledge was a deep well where I would often go to quench my thirst. When I first bought the book, I quite frankly thought that I might be paying too much. In fact, it was the most expensive book that I have ever purchased. But now, I feel that I have cheated you. “Encyclopedia” just doesn’t begin to do justice to the plethora of subjects that you are obviously the world’s leading authority on. I can’t imagine a more thorough collection of gripping sea stories, anecdotal tips, and product endorsements between two covers. Why, just the information on how to properly use clothes pins was alone worth the price of the book. I do indeed feel like I’m privy to your hard earned secrets. An unexpected bonus that I’m especially thrilled about is how artfully you have interspaced the book with private glimpses of life with the Dashew family. I feel like I am almost a family member myself now, having been involved in the joy of your struggles and triumphs. Steve and Linda, I want you both to know that I’m proud of you for raising such fine daughters and wish them only the very best in their future endeavors.”
J.M., Prickly Bay, Grenada<\/p>\n

“When I first looked at the $80.00 price, I thought “who the hell thinks a book is worth $80?” My wife scanned the photo pages and said Linda looked like a nice person (sorry Steve) and to risk the $80. I would tell you the book is worth much more, but you may take it to heart and charge more for the revisions and any other new books.”
T.M., San Diego, CA<\/p>\n

“Your books\/ your experiences have been indispensable. Thank you. We are a family of four, with two children ages 3 and 7. We have just bought Saga, 65′ steel ketch out of Alameda, CA. And are leaving August 6 for an extended cruise. We appreciate your advice tremendously in planning our trip.”
T.M., San Mateo, CA.<\/p>\n

“It was very nice of you to drop me the note of concern for my book. I have now received it and am very serious when I say that I desperately needed it. I have already covered several subjects of interest and have hi lighted things that I need to work on. It is truly an excellent reference book.”
C.S., North Pole, AK<\/p>\n

“The book is wonderful, informative and well laid out. Since my wife and I are fairly new at all this, it’s also tremendously inspirational.
C.T., Irvine, CA<\/p>\n

“Thank you for writing this book. I purchased Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia to help me prepare for cruising in a couple of years. It contains the most info of any book I could find.”
K.K., Petaluma, CA<\/p>\n

“The knowledge you have about boats is truly inspiring. I would like to thank you again for your book Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia.”
E.R., Alvadore, Oregon<\/p>\n

“I’m still digesting the wealth of information and drooling over those magnificent 60+foot yachts. Your book is everything the reviewers promised and more. I should have expected all this, since I so thoroughly enjoyed Bluewater Handbook. Both books are a comforting counterpoint to spartan style endorsed by Lynn and Larry Pardey. I like their books too, but despaired at having to sacrifice so many creature comforts. Orion is flush deck hard chine steel, 13 years old and sailed only in the Great Lakes so far. We’ve owned her 5 years. She was built by Humber College in Toronto and used as a sailing classroom. We were newlyweds when we bought the boat, but now have three pre-school age crew. We’re trying to find the right compromise between sea berths and storage; your books have been a great help.”
D.H., Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada<\/p>\n

“Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and taking the trouble to amass the prodigious amount of information required to publish your unique book.”
B.M., Portland, OR<\/p>\n

“I’ve got your book as a birthday present at the same time I bought my first boat (32 feet). My dream is to cruise the whole world. I am a beginner, and I’m doing some cruising in the Baltic in Scandinavia. Anyway, your book give great pleasure and help.”
H.N., Nacka, Sweden<\/p>\n

“I’ve read a couple of your books and have found them quite interesting. In fact, they have helped us decide on the ultimate boat we expect to cruise in after my retirement.”
B.G., Normal, IL<\/p>\n

“We are a dutch couple and at this moment we are in Australia to build a 50-foot cruising catamaran. We very much enjoyed your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and we got a lot of useful information and good ideas from it. Thanks to your information our boat will be a better boat, with better and most of all easier systems.”
J.G., Queensland, Australia<\/p>\n

“I have recently read your remarkable volume entitled Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. I found it very sensible, eminently readable and very much in keeping with many of my own philosophies of sailing and sailboats which, at times, have been at variance with common wisdom. Thank you again for producing such a useful volume.”
S.P., Ontario, Canada<\/p>\n

“…I used your book as the main reference guide in specifying the construction of my MacGregor 65 sailboat …I am less than a novice seaman, and with the help of an experienced old German captain who will try to turn me into a salt, will sail the ship to the Republic of Turkey where I currently reside. The reason I used your book as a guide is because I am an engineer by trade in heavy construction overseas- all of our equipment is diesel powered with 12V or 24V electrical. Of all the books I have read, your happens to provide very accurate recommendations for the things I really know- so I had to assume the accuracy continued into the areas I knew nothing about.”
S.H., Cankaya-Ankara, Turkey<\/p>\n

“I was exposed to what I believe was your first publication, The Circumnavigators’ Handbook, aboard Dean and Lisa Kewish’s Swan 57 Meridian, on a delivery trip from Honolulu, HI to Sitka, AK. An exciting trip, a wonderful boat, and two of the kindest most gracious people I have had the pleasure to meet. (When you next come into contact with Dean, get the full story about the weather on the way North.) I was impressed with the wealth of knowledge contained within that book, and at the first opportunity, went in search of a copy. Too bad that it was out of print at that tie. The Armchair Sailor, a nautical bookstore in Seattle, had a copy of Bluewater Handbook. That book seemed to be a natural expansion of the information set forth in its predecessor, a copy of which I am still trying to obtain. Where could you go from there? It seems that you have again enlarged your readers’ base of knowledge with the new book. It not only builds upon the foundation laid in your first two books but brings the reader up to date on the experiences which have formed your opinions. I have not been able to read the entire publication yet because of the sheer volume of information that it contains, but that alone makes it one of the more valuable pieces of reading material for those of us preparing to spend our time “out there”. Thank you Steve & Linda for again putting together a fine reference work for the sailor. All the best in your endeavors and, above all, safety and health in all that you do.” K.K., Eugene, OR<\/p>\n

“I recently purchased your Encyclopedia and video tapes. I’ve watched the tapes as many times as my family will allow at home and now have them at my office to watch there and for safe keeping. I read the encyclopedia two or three times a day as time permits, studying seamanship, then boat design, then cruise planning and navigation considerations. You should charge me more as I enjoy this far more than the price of your product should allow. My long term plans are to purchase a cruising sailboat and live between 40 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, fishing, diving and long hours of absence from telephones. I expect I’m very much a stereotype that you probably avoid sailing closer than 1\/2 mile to even if I were on the hook. I really need this book BAD!! Perhaps you published it defensively thinking perhaps someone like me won’t ram you broadside in your sleep…..”
F.S., Owasso, OK<\/p>\n

“I’ve enjoyed your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and will be incorporating many of your ideas in my next boat, a custom steel 47 footer (or so) by Waterline Yachts of Sydney, B.C. …..Thanks very much.”
K.H., Auke Bay, AK<\/p>\n

“….. We started looking at boats about a year ago in a semi-serious manner. Even though we had never been out for more than a week, we thought we had a pretty good idea of what we wanted in a boat. We were beginning to think maybe we were a little crazy until we ordered your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and video. We have sat through the video at least 25 times and both read through sections of the book on almost a nightly basis…….”
D.H., Tucson, AZ<\/p>\n

“We’ve read, reread and studied your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. We purchased an Adams 45, Australian built, steel cutter with a pilot house and are in the throes of making her ready for an around-the-world trip in the next year. Thanks for hours of good reading and tons of good ideas.”
D.S. Miami, FL<\/p>\n

“I use the familiar when I address you because I was given your book Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia recently and have read it through cover to cover twice with the third time for underlining So now I feel close to you both. Your book is the first book I have read, that when I finished reading it, I was sad to put down. Cheryl and I enjoyed and learned so much from your book that I decided to do something I have never done before. That is to write an author (in this case authors) and say thank you and job well done! There is little doubt in my mind that you already know the impact your work has had on the industry. …..I truly believe you are the most significant writers in your area of expertise today. Thanks again for your contributions, not only to Cheryl and me, but to all those who take sailing seriously and desire to learn.”
W.F., Palm Beach Gardens, FL<\/p>\n

“Enjoyed Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia very much. There is an awesome amount of information in it- most of which I agree with Plus, I feel better carrying a 66′ Bruce up front!…..”
L.H., Palo Alto, CA<\/p>\n

“…..I have only had the Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia two days and I already love it.”
R.F., Houston, TX<\/p>\n

“Though I blanched at the price of the Encyclopedia, I’m now halfway through the second reading and in terms of information per page it turns out to be the cheapest book in my library…and would be so at twice the price. Despite the staggering subject range (how in the hell did you ever learn all that stuff?) the presentation is not only clear but lively, thanks to well chosen anecdotes and the alternating point of view, which is very effective. You manage to convey to the reader that offshore sailing has its dangers and difficulties, not to be underestimated, but also it’s within reach of anyone willing to put in the time and effort necessary to prepare properly. The book should be a USCG requirement for anyone venturing offshore. From a fellow writer, congratulations on a fine piece of work and from a potential fellow sailor a heartfelt thanks.”
S.S., Venice, CA<\/p>\n

“Your books will save me not only time and money in putting my cruise together but will insure my safety aboard. Thank you so much.”
L.L., by e-mail<\/p>\n

“Thanks for telling the facts as I would expect reality to be. Your books are so detailed that I have turned them yellow with a highlighter pen…I am most appreciative of product brand names. What works or doesn’t is most important.”
J.H., Dunwoody, GA<\/p>\n

“I have received your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and love it!”
R.C., Albuquerque, NM<\/p>\n

“It has already helped answer questions and thoughts we had about cruising.”
D.B., Ventura, CA<\/p>\n

“…a good reference as well as thought provoking material.”
E.L., Pawcatuck, CT<\/p>\n

“…really brought my sailing and confidence level up about ten-fold. From buying the boat to deciding how to spend limited cash on gear I learned how to weigh all the variables an still be safe…ideas which appear radical at first glance are sometimes the best way to go after looking at both sides. This is the reason why I consider your books to be the best I’ve read. You have a no bullshit approach to your writing that’s very refreshing in this day and age…you took the time in detail so a novice could then understand his options. All I can say is well done! Well done!”
M.H., Irvine, CA<\/p>\n

“I’ve been through my copy twice and it is excellent.”

“It has given us much valuable information and many hours of enjoyable reading. We are already planning our next boat.”
S.S., aboard Djinn<\/p>\n

“All sailors will benefit from your knowledge and experience which is so carefully detailed in the ENCYCLOPEDIA. It represents a milestone in marine literature…”
B.W., San Francisco<\/p>\n

“We enjoyed it so much we want to get a copy for a friend. It’s a great book and we know we will get much use from it.”
R.T., Tule Lake, CA<\/p>\n

“…knowing all the forces that make up a boat, its rigging, wind forces, anchor ropes, etc., gives one a much better understanding of how a sailboat will act and hold up under severe sea conditions…I have read many books and all the sailing magazines and find your two books the best I’ve ever read. Again, I want to thank you and compliment you on such an outstanding book on offshore cruising and seamanship.”
J.R., Orinda, CA<\/p>\n

“I must admit that I never thought I would read an “encyclopedia” from cover to cover, but I found the book fascinating and filled with a large amount of useful information. Obviously this type of book needs to be re-read at specific times as thoughts occur and as troubles develop.”
F.R.., Hershey, PA<\/p>\n

“I wanted to compliment you on the best manual for cruising I have seen to date…nothing has been left out.”
H.B., Marina del Rey, CA<\/p>\n

“Marvelous stuff; a core dump of sailing and design experience, deep thought, inspiration, and hard work…evidently all proved by going out and trying it. It’s like a breath of fresh air.
D.P., Reading, MA<\/p>\n

“I have read both books cover to cover and reviewed certain sections several times. The books answered a lot of questions!”
W.C., Denton, TX<\/p>\n

“Love your books!”
M.M., Arcata, CA<\/p>\n

“It is all the press releases say it is. Your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia fills a need for those of us needing a trusted first hand account of what to expect when cruising offshore. … a standard that will remain current over the years and stand alongside other notable works such as Chapmans and Bowditch. Thank you for the next book.”
A.R., San Bruno, CA<\/p>\n

“First of all congratulations on what you are doing for yachting. Over the years I have followed your exploits with great interest and respect. As a professional seaman your concept makes great sense to me.”
R.R., West Germany<\/p>\n

“First let me say that I have admired you both for quite some time, and read with great interest everything that has your name on it. Your writing style seems so personal I am inspired to respond in a similar vein. Like so many sailing aficionados in the quest for the “perfect ” boat, I am very interested in how the sport is developing in terms of shorthanded offshore cruising designs and, for me, you seem to be closer to perfection than anything I have yet seen.”
K.R., Coronado, CA<\/p>\n

“We’ve talked about cutting our land ties and moving off shore….Your book has been extremely helpful in helping us work our plan….Again, your book and video have been extremely informative and helpful.”
B.W., Atlanta, GA<\/p>\n

“We’ve just finished reading your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia from cover to cover. It was just like a Who’s Who of attendees at the Duke of York Ball. Remember those great days sailing in PNG? Crystal clear water, constant trade winds (except for the occasional aberration in Rabaul harbour) and at that time, friendly villagers. Looking back, it was almost the best cruising of anywhere. The Encyclopedia is a great book with lots of ideas we can both identify with as we build Illywhacker and as an Information Systems engineer I especially like the systems approach.”
P. and L. A., Church Point, Australia<\/p>\n

“Hello there ultimate cruisers and blue water idols of ours. We haven’t gone off to the seas yet fulfilling our greatest dream and long time plan in the making; but soon will come. In the meanwhile we are your ardent fans having started off with the Circumnavigators’ Handbook straight through the Offshore video. We have learned a lot from you both and appreciate your voice and support I our mutual world of interest.” S
.P. and E.H., Castro Valley, CA<\/p>\n

“I am in the process of reading your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia , which is thoroughly enjoyable.”
B.S., Cleveland, OH<\/p>\n

“I would like to add my congratulations and thanks to the many you must have received, on your very excellent Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia. I think that over the years I have read just about everything that has been published on the subject of cruising and cruising boats in general: from Don Street to Beiser via Carlton Mitchell and Henderson, all authorities on the subject. You, however, succeeded in distilling all this knowledge into one volume, well planned and easy to refer to. So again congratulations.”
A.D., Malibu,. CA<\/p>\n

“Fascinated with your sailing philosophy. I already have two Dashew handbooks. Singlehanders, such as myself, benefit immeasurably from the efforts of sailors like the Dashews. The general sailing community starves for safe and efficient approaches to boat handling and design.”
H.S., Gaviota, CA<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Magazine Reviews “Far and away the finest introduction to boats and cruising we’ve ever seen.” Latitude 38 (USA) “This comprehensive …Read More<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":17,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[41],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-2444","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","category-dashew-books"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/2444"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/17"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=2444"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/2444\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=2444"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=2444"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/setsail.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=2444"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}