Hi Steve & Linda,<\/p>\n
I have been going through old blog posts and came across the series you did on SONAR. This reminded me of the recent update showing the install of a Furuno unit in a new 64. I just wanted to direct you to another manufacturer that you may not be aware of. They’re just across the sound from the folks who make your auto-pilot. http:\/\/www.wesmar.com\/commercial.html (I don’t work for them in any way, just thought the product looked interesting.) I particularly found the testimony of a sailor who sails the Antarctic for a living compelling. http:\/\/www.wesmar.com\/pdf\/Customer%20Reports\/national_geographic_explorer.pdf It could prove to be a decent alternative to Furuno.<\/p>\n
Happy Holidays,<\/p>\n
Thanks Seth:<\/p>\n
At the time we decided on Furuno we felt they had the best\u00a0 product for our needs.<\/p>\n