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FPB 64 - Reality

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FPB 83

FPB 83 On Deck

Flying Bridge
Tropical Considerations
Working on Deck
Jury Rig

Roll Control
Swim Step

FPB 83 Interior

Interior Layout
Nav Station/Bridge
Ship's Office
Laundry Facilities

FPB 83 Systems

Drive Line
Electrical Systems
Heating/Hot Water
Motion Control
Air Conditioning
Domestic Water

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Deerfoot 2-62


This design was a development of what we'd learned with our own Intermezzo II. The hull shape was refined - it was significantly faster upwind and down - and the 2-62 has better powering capability. Coming on the heels of the Deerfoot 72s, we moved the engine room back to the center of the boat. The layout of the interior then followed the same approach as the larger sisters, but in a more compact area.

Most of our boats have the hull sides done in light colors. However, this particular boat had teak on the hull sides. This adds warmth, but also closes in the space visually with the dark color. We thought you'd like to see the comparison.

We've got enough beam and small enough engine room to allow a sink counter opposite the stove counters.

Ship's office is adjacent to the engine room forward bulkhead.

The head is ensuite, at the forward end of the area, and adjacent to the forward watertight bulkhead.

Looking aft towards the saloon.

Guest cabins are aft. The upper bunk is typically used for storage. With this sort of arrangement, it's important not to overhang the lower bunk too far, or a feeling of claustrophobia may set in.


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