FPB 97-1 And FPB 64-9 Framing Starts, FPB 64-6 Almost Ready To Launch, And Other Exciting Details

FPB 97 1 Framing starts 107

The Circa team is hard at work on the initial stages of FPB 97-1 fabrication, and we are starting to receive some photos of the process.

FPB 97 1 Framing starts 108

The photo above shows the floors (frames) and tank top for a section of the hull. This sub assembly is upside down on the building jig.

FPB 64 9Latest 100

The by now familiar framing of the bow on FPB 64-9. We love this view. The strength here, plus the collision bulkhead, not to mention the forepeak bulkhead also watertight a ways aft, makes us feel all warm and fuzzy.

FPB 64 8 Latest 100

Initial stages of the prop skeg on FPB 64-8, the hull of which is nearing completion.

FPB 64 8 Latest 104

And a handrail to make use of the forward house ladder a little easier.

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Switching now to FPB 64-7, and a clear view of one half of the house battery bank. Note the tie down frame, to keep these in place should the unthinkable occur.

FPB 64 7 Latest 105

Completed furniture modules are being dropped into the great room.

FPB 64 7 Latest 110

And the engine room of this seventh FPB 64 is coming along.

FPB64 6 latest 102

FPB 64-6 is nearing completion, and shows off a slightly different flying bridge layout from her predecessors.

FPB64 6 latest 100

A sneak look at the new galley layout, with slightly smaller locker adjacent the entry landing (wet gear now being stored in a locker under the stairs to the flying bridge) allowing us to move the oven to this more user friendly location (no bending over required).

We’ll close with several photos of the latest Circa dinghy.

Circa dink latest 102

Circa dink latest 100

Circa dink latest 103

Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 11, 2012)

9 Responses to “FPB 97-1 And FPB 64-9 Framing Starts, FPB 64-6 Almost Ready To Launch, And Other Exciting Details”

  1. Tom Honan Says:

    Very nice photos, thanks to all. The “dink” looks like a slightly smaller version of the fishing “tinnies” we use in the top end of Australia. It looks very tough, safe and practical. Can’t wait to see the FPB97 take farther shape.

  2. Michel Vaes Says:

    Question to ” FPB 97-1 And FPB 64 Framing Starts, FPB 64-6 Almos Ready To Launch, And Other Exiting Details”
    Posted by Steve Dashew (October 11, 2012).

    ….. battery bank
    ” Note the tie down frame, to keep these in place
    should the unthinkable occur .”
    Could you explain the antinomy contained in your reasoning ???

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Unthinkable in the context of the batteries, is a severe knockdown or roll over. It would not do to have 1.5 tons of lead, antimony, and sulfuric acid rolling around loose.

  4. kevin Says:

    No “get home” on 64-8?

  5. Todd Rickard Says:

    Hi Kevin,

    I think what you are referring to is the photo showing the main prop skeg/shaft coming together on hull #8 (above) – and the absence of the secondary get-home “bump”? Answer – FPB 64-8 IS getting the get-home, but fabrication is yet to come. Good eye!

    -Todd Rickard

  6. Paul Says:

    Noticed the FLIR IR night vision camera joystick control on FPB 64-6 flying bridge photo…that’s a first, I beleive.

  7. Alain M. Says:

    Hi Steve,
    Is one diesel outboard foreseen for this latest dinghy (I am referring at the buoyancy extension at stern)?
    And what are the two tubes looking out of the dinghy???

  8. Todd Rickard Says:

    Hi Alain,

    The stern extension was necessary for the diesel outboard aboard “Osprey” (FPB 64-4), and has become popular with clients for: a) swimstep or easier in/out of water b) better hull stability c) increased reserve buoyancy. Osprey is the only client thus far that has gone with the Yanmar diesel outboard – all others have been Yamaha or Honda petrol.

    The two tubes you ask about – I believe you are referring to either the two pipes that extend aft of the stern extensions, which drain the cockpit and will have “socks” installed – or the pipes forming grab rails on the foredeck?

    -Todd Rickard

  9. Alain M. Says:

    Hi Richard,
    Sorry for the late answer, I was refering on the two pipes on the stern, drain for the cockpit then… Thanks…
    And all best wishes to all the Dashew and collegues for the new coming year…