FPB 64-6 has just completed a winter crossing of the North Atlantic, which at one point featured hurricane strength compression storms in east and west regions. She did so in classic fashion, taking advantage of the weather when possible, but always with a bailout option if the forecasts turned negative. There are a number of lessons for us in this passage. Read the rest »
FPB 64
FPB Video: The Way
A new video in which we reveal the secrets behind all those ocean-crossing miles… Read the rest »
FPB in the Press: “The Big Picture”
The June issue of Motorboat & Yachting features FPB owner Peter Watson sharing his reasoning behind “Why FPB”… Read the rest »
Why We Cruise: Stanley Creighton’s Photography – Posted by Sarah
We spend a lot of time focusing on the importance of “where” when it comes to cruising. But we often forget to recognize perhaps the most important aspect of why we cruise — “who”. Read the rest »
FPB 97 and FPB 64 Drone Video
Great aerial drone footage of FPB 97 and FPB 64 anchored together in New Zealand.
FPB in the Press: Soundings Feature Now Live Online
There is a double feature now live in print and online at Soundings Magazine… Read the rest »
FPB 64 Owners Do It Right!
This is the story of everyday folks, who dreamed of distant horizons and made it happen. If you look at our FPB 64 owners, they are a normal group of yachties who started without ocean crossing experience, who have turned themselves into true voyagers. How did they do it? Why did they do it? What is it that makes it possible for them to accomplish what other people only dream about? Why are they out there doing it while most yacht owners sit in a marina? Read the rest »
FPB In The News: All The Reasons We Cruise
Stan & Valerie Creighton have a lovely article in the latest edition of Berthon Magazine… Read the rest »
Why FPB? The Concept Explained…
We’ve been chasing the holy grail of the perfect cruising yacht for 40 years. The Deerfoot, Sundeer and Beowulf series are considered the premiere sailing yachts on which to circumnavigate. The FPB fleet is judged by the most experienced owners and journalists to be the best ocean-crossing motor yachts today. To find out why, read on:
FPB 64-11 DreamTime and a Few Days Off From FPB 78-1 Sea Trials
We’ve had a few days testing Cochise on our own, hanging out in the Bay of Islands. We’ve had FPB 64-11 for company part of the time,
FPB Owner Blogs – Adventures of Avatar
From time to time we like to feature owner blogs here on SetSail. Returning readers will no doubt be familiar with the stunning photography and narrative style of FPB 64-1 Avatar owner Carol Parker. Read the rest »
Featured Video: The Journeys of FPB 64 Iron Lady
Pete Rossin has recently posted a beautiful video on YouTube.
FPB 64 Sarah Sarah Anchored In Lituya Bay, Alaska And A New Slide Show By Sue Henry
Sue Henry sent us this lovely photo of Sarah Sarah anchored in Lituya Bay, the location of the highest tidal wave in recorded history. How does 1720 feet sound? Read the rest »
FPB 64 Grey Wolf To 80 Degrees 27 Minutes North
FPB 64 Grey Wolf has reached 80 degrees, 27 minutes north latitude, within 573 nautical miles of the North Pole!
FPB 64 Grey Wolf Nears Svalbard: Summer Cruising In The High Arctic
FPB 64 Grey Wolf is starting a summer of arctic cruising. Making a direct passage from Scotland, she is currently less than a day out from Svalbard, well inside the arctic circle at 74 degrees shown in the graphic above. Read the rest »
FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel Reports From Vanuatu
Stan and Valerie Creighton have shepherded Buffalo Nickel over to Vanuatu this season, in part to lend a hand in the ongoing rescue efforts after the damage wreaked by Cyclone Pam. Read the rest »
Wave Piercing – The Secret To Ocean Crossing Comfort and Speed
We learned a long time ago that the key to happy cruising is a smooth ride uphill. Careful weather routing and a good turn of speed reduces your exposure, but those inevitable rough upwind passages are what people remember Read the rest »
Happy 5th Birthday Avatar!
It’s hard to believe that FPB 64-1 Avatar is five years old. In that relatively short period, she has traveled over 36,000 nautical miles and visited 17 countries. Read the rest »
FPB Owner Blog Spotlight: FPB 64 Avatar in Central America
FPB 64-1 Avatar is currently wending its way down through Central America. Owner Carol Parker, an avid photographer, has joined up to explore and document the adventures. Read the rest »
Survival Storm Tactic Tested Off The Needles In Breaking Seas: Updated With Video
The ultimate survival storm tactic, jogging into breaking seas, has had its first (and hopefully last) FPB test. This took place recently off the Needles near the Isle of Wight in the UK’s Solent. Read the rest »
Motor Yacht Stability, Comfort, and Safety – An Updated Compilation
When you head offshore your safety depends on stability, both upright and ultimate (the heel angle at which you don’t recover from a knockdown). Given today’s software and computing power, calculating stability is a relatively straightforward exercise. This is required for commercial vessels, larger yachts, and generally for any flag state/class certification such as MCA, RINA, ABS, etc. We would not go offshore without this data, and we don’t think you should either.
FPB 64-5 Tiger in Passagemaker Magazine: “The Minerva Option”
Recently FPB 64-5 Tiger, her intrepid owners John and Sandy Henrichs, and their adventurous cruising choices, were the subject of a detailed feature by John Beatty in Passagemaker Magazine. Read the rest »
FPB 64-10 Launches, FPBs 78-3 and 64-11 Begin Construction – Posted by Sarah
We are pleased to report that FPB 64-10 has begun her sea trials. Riptide is sitting well on her lines and happy to be afloat.
An FPB 64, A Party, And Some Old Stones: Report From England – Posted By Sarah
Todd and I have just returned stateside after a trek east to England, where we celebrated FPB 64 Grey Wolf‘s demi-circumnavigation with press, pubs, and parties. Read the rest »
Living the Dream up North: Avatar Logs
It is always a treat to check out our owners’ blogs and live vicariously through their cruising adventures. Read the rest »
FPB 64-5 Tiger Featured In PassageMaker Magazine
The July/August edition of PassageMaker Magazine features a lovely piece by John Beatty on “doing it right” with cruising. Read the rest »
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf Is At Anchor Havlet Bay, Guernsey, Channel Islands
Having traveled halfway around the world in three months, Peter Watson and crew have brought FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf to anchor in the Channel Islands.
FPB Systems Log – Maintenance on a Voyage Halfway Around the World
With the FPB 64 Grey Wolf covering an average of a thousand or more nautical miles per week on her voyage home, we have in effect an accelerated maintenance test to observe. Experienced cruisers and marine professionals will be surprised by the data accumulated since her departure from New Zealand the last week of March. Read the rest »
FPBs Do It – Right
Of the ten FPBs currently afloat, nine are actively cruising, taking advantage of their seagoing speed, range, and comfort, actually doing it…right. We enjoy hearing from our family, keeping up with where they are and what is going on. This week, for example, Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady: Canada Bound From Hawaii
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady is Canada bound from Hawaii, a relatively short 2400 NM (+/-) trip, depending on how the Pacific high treats them. Pete Rossin is filling us in on weather and vessel performance data. Information from the last five days follows: Read the rest »
Anchors Down: FPB 64 Grey Wolf Arrives In Panama
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf, Peter Watson Master, has arrived Balboa, Panama after a non-eventful 4100NM passage from Taieohai in the Marquesas Islands of eastern French Polynesia. Read the rest »
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf: They’re Getting Close…
Peter Watson and his intrepid crew aboard FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf are now just a few days’ from Panama. Keep up with their progress on Berthon’s web site. Of particular interest may be Peter’s comments after now having voyaged over 6,000 nm in the last two months.
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf Picking Up Speed: Possible Lottery Win On The Horizon
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf has finally hit her stride and is cruising along at 9.7 to 11 knots towards Panama along the fifth parallel.
The Most Difficult of All Yachting Passages – 4000NM Eastbound From The Marquesas to Panama
Of all the passages you could dream up, the most difficult is the 4000NM eastbound run from the Marquesas Islands of French Polynesia to Panama. Panama lies dead upwind, with a westerly setting current to make it more interesting. Read on to find out how FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf, Peter Watson, and crew have set out to do something no motor yacht has ever done.
FPB Construction Update
Words don’t work here. The photo is capable of speaking for itself.
Happy Anniversary FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah!
Recently, owner Sue Henry put together an “anniversary” video of photos, highlighting her and husband Bill’s first three years aboard FPB 64-2 Sarah Sarah. Read the rest »
Photos From Adventures With Iron Lady – Posted by Mark
Having arrived back to the Seattle office a couple weeks ago, I now have a little time to sort through 100s of photos and share a few with you from my recent adventures aboard FPB 64-3 Iron Lady… Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady: Arrival In Hawaii
Mark Fritzer brings us his final at-sea post from aboard Iron Lady… Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady: Towards Hawaii Day 2
A night watch, monster blue fin, the end of Mr. Shabby, and further experiments with the high power DC charging system. Mark Fritzer writes: Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 Hawaii Bound From Palmyra
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady is underway for Hawaii on the last leg of their journey. Mark Fritzer writes about an amazing fish story and further testing of the charging system.
Iron Lady Reporting From Palmyra
Mark Fritzer reports in from Palmyra, and brings us up to date on wonderful snorkeling and further experimentation with the high powered DC charging system. With comments on navigating with active SONAR in the tropics:
Crossing The North Pacific Hurricane Belt – The Tradeoffs
Crossing oceans often leads to compromise between weather, risk, comfort, and what might or mightn’t occur. An example of this was recently faced by the crew of FPB 64-3 Iron Lady. In this post we will look at issues involved, including hurricane avoidance tactics.
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady: Parked In Palmyra
The crew of Iron Lady, bellies still full of fresh Yellowfin tuna, have dropped anchor in Palmyra Atoll. Mark Fritzer reports: Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady Bound For Palmyra In The Line Islands
Having consulted the weather gods (Rick Shema), and with various mortals, the good ship Iron Lady is bound for Palmyra Island. Mark Fritzer continues his narrative, with interesting fuel burn data at various speeds and RPMs coupled with varying electrical loads.
FPB 64-3 On Passage – It’s An Early Christmas (Island)
Having now been at sea for five days ,the crew of FPB 64-3 have raised their first Line Island, and determined to make it Christmas, even if it is still August. Mark Fritzer continues his reporting:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 4
On their fourth day at sea, the crew of FPB 64-3 Iron Lady use the aft deck sink to determine if they have crossed the Equator. Mark Fritzer continues his testing and analysis, and reports the results:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 3
Three days into their passage and FPB 64-3 is 750 miles down the track. Mark Fitzer continues his reports:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 2
Two days at sea, 480 nautical miles behind them, FPB 64-3 is half way to the equator, and Mark Fritzer continues his reporting:
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady On Passage Marquesas Towards Hawaii: Day 1
Mark Fritzer continues his reporting from Iron Lady after their first day at sea:
Progress On All Fronts In New Zealand – And Getting Comfortable in the Wicked Great Room
Although the furniture represents a small part of the total weight of the boat, we want it to be as light as practical, as you see here with the carcass for the FPB 97 great room settee. Read the rest »
Passage Posts – FPB 64-3 En Route From Nuku Hiva
The following report was sent in by Mark Fritzer of the FPB team, who is crewing aboard FPB 64-3 Iron Lady. They have just departed from Nuka Hiva in the Marquesas Islands, bound for Hawaii via the Line Islands. Read the rest »
FPB Cruising Plans – Out There Doing It
Our thought has always been that the best indicator of success in the marine business is not units sold, or boat show pizzazz, but rather how your boats are being used. Are they sitting in marinas or out there racking up the miles, treating their owners to the world of new experiences that lay beyond the horizon?
FPB: Cruising Speed, Range Under Power, And The Real World
Those of you familiar with our work will know that we consider being able to maintain comparatively fast cruising speeds the most important factor in safe, comfortable ocean crossing. Get this right and you enjoy making passages. Get it wrong and you will prefer sitting at the dock reading about the folks who are really out there cruising. Read the rest »
Report From New Zealand: 10th FPB 64 Begins – FPB 97 Masts Are Up
Here is a sight guaranteed to please… FPB 64-10 has begun its journey (right) while FPB 97-1 has its mast structure well under way.
FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel, New Zealand to Fiji (Posted by Sarah)
I had the distinct pleasure of spending some time with Valerie and Stan Creighton as they became acquainted with their new baby back in March. Fast forward to June and they’ve just completed an adventurous passage from New Zealand to Fiji. Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady – Arrives Papeete, Tahiti
Excitement is building aboard Iron Lady with Pete Rossin and crew as the smell of land, fresh baguettes, and Hinano beer, draw them ever closer.
FPB 64-3 On Passage New Zealand to Papeete: Post 5
FPB 64-3 Iron Lady continues towards Papeete, and Skipper Pete gives us a heads up on what they log in the engine room. If you are interested in life aboard on a long passage, and how things should be running, read on.
FPB 64-3 On Passage New Zealand to Papeete: Post 4
Today’s update from FPB 64-3 Iron Lady comes to you from Latitude 25 20 S/Longitude 161 59 W. Read on about the beauties of a night watch in the middle of the Pacific Ocean…
FPB 64-3 On Passage New Zealand to Papeete: Post 3
FPB 64-3, Iron Lady, has now passed the mystical “halfway point” on her voyage to Papeete. She is entrained between two high pressure systems, in a convergence zone, with heavy downpours, lightning, and crossing wave trains off the bow. For the day’s report on this, and the raw squid eating contest, read on. Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 On Passage New Zealand to Papeete: 2nd Post
Pete Rossin, enroute to Papeete on FPB 64-3 Iron Lady, gives a quick lesson in weather analysis using what you see rather than outside outside sources. Read the rest »
FPB 64-3 On Passage New Zealand to Papeete
Iron Lady is on her way across the South Pacific from Whangarei, New Zealand to Papeete, Tahiti, in French Polynesia. Pete Rossin and crew departed New Zealand three days ago and have been sending us periodic updates. We thought you might like to keep track of their progress on this occasionally difficult 2300NM passage.
FPB 64-7 Video: First Day Aboard-Close Quarters Maneuvering
Come on board with Stan and Valerie Creighton as they get acquainted with FPB 64-7 Buffalo Nickel during their first day of close quarters maneuvering. Read the rest »
FPB 64 Aft Deck Options
With the recent handover of FPB 64, hull #7 – Buffalo Nickel – I thought readers might enjoy seeing the two aft deck configuration options available on the FPB 64. Read the rest »
Buffalo Nickel, FPB 64-7, Is Wet
It is early, the sun still far to the east, when Buffalo Nickel slides under the travel lift for the first time. Read the rest »
Video: A Peek Behind The Gray Curtain – Posted By Sarah
Want a taste of the FPB cycle? The following video gives an idea of the birthing process… Read the rest »
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf: Engine Room Art
At the risk of being repetitive, we thought you might like another look at the highest form of engine room art, this time FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf. Read the rest »
FPB 64-6 Grey Wolf – A Few Details
Yesterday evening we were aboard the sixth FPB 64, Grey Wolf and thought a few of her details might be of interest. Read the rest »
FPB 64 Introduction – Basic Specs
“When the Dashews finally decided to resort to motive power, Steve Dashew designed a boat with the spirit of a yacht that could take on the roughest seas…”
–Boat International Magazine
Every now and then in yacht design, the thousands of details involved to produce a boat combine in a unique way, creating a vessel which performs substantially better than projected. Read the rest »
FPB Update: 64 Progress
“Against the Wind…With his new powerboat design, world cruiser Steve Dashew continues a lifelong pattern of challenging the status quo.”
–Soundings Magazine
I have just returned from a very productive week in New Zealand and wanted to share some of the photos taken while on the ground at our builder, Circa Marine. There was much covered during the trip – here are a few of the latest details surrounding the FPB 64 program. Read the rest »
FPB 64 Avatar – Final Trial – Part One Of Three
Since launching we’ve had master aerial photographer Ivor Wilkins on standby for the right conditions to shoot the first FPB 64. Read the rest »
An FPB Opportunity
At Dashew Offshore our goal has always been to build the perfect cruising yacht; delivered on time, within budget, without surprises, resulting in a contented client.
To make this unique approach to the yacht building business successful, we have to purposely limit our sales, something that many would find counter-intuitive given the demand for FPBs.
FPB 64 Photo Update June 8, 2012
We have a series of photos from the completed (but undecorated) owner’s suite on FPB 64-5, and then a few items on FPB 64s six through nine to share as well. Read the rest »
First Passage: FPB 64 Iron Lady Surfing to Tonga in a Gale
With a bit of offshore experience under your belt, and the right yacht, preparing for and executing ocean crossings becomes routine. You will get to the point where you will decide to go on Monday, spend the next couple days provisioning, and be gone by Thursday. But the first time you head for the horizon, there’s going to be some trepidation. It happens with everyone.
FPB 64 Update May 7, 2012
Time being in exceedingly short supply at present, we are going to post a batch of photos of FPB 64-5 through 7, without the usual commentary. The assumption is that you’d rather see the photos than wait for the schedule to free up. We’ll start with FPB 64-5, the launch date of which draws ever so close. Read the rest »
FPB 64 – Factors of Safety
As you go to sea, you probably harbor in the back of your mind the particular weaknesses of your vessel. If unfavorable weather is forecast, it is often these weaknesses, coupled with a lack of confidence that create tension, concern, and fear.