24 Hour Lofoten Weather Cycle


The last 24 hours have been a good example of one of the attractions for us in the higher latitudes. It is the contrasts you experience visually and with weather. The morning starts out with a trek to that lovely beach we showed you yesterday.

We were not at all surprised to find rock walls.


A hundred years old, or a thousand?


The temperature of air and water are the same, 47F (8C), which calls for a modification in our tropical beach going wardrobe. Your intrepid reporters are wearing the latest fashion in Alaskan work boots, Mustang floatation suits (very warm but hard to achieve the Spandex look), Capelene hats, and gloves. If the sun had been out and the breeze quiet, we would have just worn wind breakers and fleece (the svelte look). With these outfits we spent an enjoyable two hours beachcoaming.


By 1400 the sun was starting to work its way through the clouds and having had our fill of beaches we decide to find snow capped mountains for a change in ambiance.


We explore two fiords, each with just a touch of civilization, and then settle at the base of this mountain for the night. The photo above was taken at 2230 local time, with the sun still well above the horizon.


0200, morning, and the sun is now “rising”. As the lighting changes new colors and shadows create a tantalizing array on the mountain slopes. Think you are looking at the highlight? Come back in 15 minutes and it will be different, and possibly even better. It is hard to pull our eyes away the show. None of our movies or books can compete. We sit in Wind Horse’s great room, warm and content.

There is a downside. It is hard to leave to go to our stateroom and get ready for bed. But this is Saturday night and we are, after all, party animals.


0700, totally calm, not a cloud in the sky, and we are on the after deck enjoying Sunday morning coffee (who can sleep in when it is so beautiful outside?).


A little later and wisps of cumulous clouds begin to appear on the mountain tops. Within 30 minutes at the end of the fiord these have grown to proper cumulus with heads and anvils. It is clear to the west, out to sea, but here we have the beginnings of over development. If we were in Arizona now we’d have our glider secured before these turn into thunderstorms.

We were going to explore with Wind Horse today, but this spot is so lovely we have decided to relax and enjoy more of the show.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (June 7, 2009)

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