SGC Radios

Dear Steve: I have just read your article in Practical Sailor’s latest issue regarding gear info after 38000 miles. In it you said you had a problem with your SGC 2000 HF radio and the Pactor II modem in trying to send e-mail. I own a 2 year old SGC 2000 with the new “Powertalk” remote head which I bought because it was supposed to be better for clear data transmission in poor conditions. You stated that the radio drifted off frequency (which obviously would mess up data transmission). Is this a problem with all models of SGC 2000 radios or a problem specific to your radio and/or model? I am just getting ready to purchase a Pactor II modem and get my radio set up for e-mail as my wife and I are preparing for a 2 year cruise on our Saga 43 from Maine to the Caribbean and then to the Azores and the Med. This problem with the SGC 2000 concerns me!! Should I sell it and get an ICOM 710 like everyone else?! Thanks for your comments, Frank

Hi Frank: I have no experience with SGC’s current equipment, so I cannot render an opinion. What I can tell you is based on the way they mishandled the service on our SGC, and then refused any responsibility for what they had done wrong, I would never use any of their equipment again. You might check for up to date suggestions on radios which seem to work well for e-mail. Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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