The traction battery bank and its related cabling and structure weights nearly 3000 pounds (1.5 to tons). It obviously needs to be well secured!
You can see the welded base and top, connected with tie rods that Circa has engineered in the lead photo.
The top end of one of the traction batteries is shown here.
Posted by Steve Dashew (January 31, 2010)
February 2nd, 2010 at 4:44 am
Hello Steve,
I have a question to this battery block shown above. What for is this huge block? Is this may be for a hybrid version. I know that Steyr has a Engine with a Hybrid drive attached or is it may be for the engine concept from ossapowerlite what I would prefer. The concept with two generators and an electric propulsion will have a better fuel efficiency and you can use green energy as well. It will be a wonderfull idear if this is the case. I am a absolutely fan from your boat and visit since a half year your web side every week. My screen saver is full of your wonderfull pictures. congratulation to this design and the idear behind it is very impressing.
Kind regards
PS sorry for my english I am from Germany
February 2nd, 2010 at 10:15 am
Hi Nico:
The 1200 amp hour (80% of which are usable) is used so you can sit at anchor for three or four days without running the generator. The capacity is such that y ou can cook, and run the rest of your normal systems off the battery/inverter combination.