Walnut Shells for Teak Floors

Greetings from the Florida Keys. Of all the great values one can find, your Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia is the best. We have used your book as a wonderful resource to guide our steps and now are the proud, and deliriously happy owners of a 45′ Columbia. An older boat, she is quite sound, needing only a lot of “elbow grease” and some electronics. We were fascinated by the application of ground walnut shells to teak saloon floors for a non-skid, good looking flooring (page 1034). Is there a supply source for the shells, or did you render them yourself? Thanks, Janine M.

Hi Janine: We get our walnut shells through Port Supply, the wholesale division of West Marine. I’ll bet they are in the West Marine Catalog. We use the medium grade. – Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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