We are about 1/3 of the way through a refit of our Westsail 42 “Heartland” and are now beginning to think about what type of material to use on the dinette and saloon cushions. Ironically we have come across a quantity of leather for a great price but are reluctant to buy. Can you shed any light on how leather would hold up to the marine envirnoment? Thank Your Time, John & Deanna
PS: You Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia has proven invaluable during our refit.
Hi John and Deanna: Leather works great if you have the right finish. Harder wears better and copes with body oil and sun tan lotion better than the softer finishes. However, you will find the labor costs of working with leather are typically alot higher than other materials. There are a lot of synthetics out, like “Doeskin” which have a leather like feel, are easier to work with, and better on maintenance – but there is no way to replace the dead cow smell other than the real thing! Good Luck – Steve