Hi Linda and Steve: I am enjoying your articles about maintaining Beowulf, and was interested in the piece on your washing machine.
My wife is happy enough to wash by hand, but would like a spin dryer or similar.
Can you offer any advice? – Thanks, Chris
Hi Chris: Using a drier without a washer to first spin the water out of the clothes is tough. As far as we know, they are only made for slow speed, so there is no way to get the clothes dry first, unless you use a hand ringer after the hand washing.
Space-wise, the dryers typically take exactly the same space as the washer. If you have to choose one, our preference is for the washer, with a high speed spinner, which makes drying outside or inside much, much faster.
The best compromise we’ve found so far is the Splendide, which we mentioned previously. This has a good washer, excellent spinning speed, and an acceptable drier all in one. The drier, however, is not nearly as fast as what we are all used to at home, and we typically only use it when there is no other choice. Regards-Steve