Outfitting a Columbia 45 for Cruising

Regarding turnbuckles, Mike wants a stainless body (open or closed) over a bronze threaded bolt. Alan Blunt says that Navtec is the only company that offers this but it is unnecessarily expensive (Alan seems to be recommending chrome plated bronze body turnbuckles). Which turnbuckles do you recommend for both my standing and running rigging?

Alan is correct. Navtec have very expensive gear and there us nothing wrong with an all bronze turnbuckle. However, make sure it is an open body NOT a closed body design.

Regarding furling systems, Michael insists that I use the Profurl LC42 while Alan Blunt thinks it is unnecessarily expensive. Blunt recommends the Schaefer 2100 or Harken Unit 2 with stud for 5/16′ Dyform or Harken Unit 1.5 with Staylok for Dyform and extra foil.

LC sounds pretty heavy for a Columbia 45–it is what we use on BEOWULF. I would check with ProFurl for their recommendation. I would be surprised if they were not competitive. The other gear may be fine, but in the last 15 years we only have experience with ProFurl.

Regarding electronics: Radar/chart-plotter–I am leaning toward the Furuno Nav Net system with the 7″ color monitor and the 2 kw dome. What are your recommendations about Furuno vs. Raytheon or Raymarine, about a fixed mount radar on the mast vs. one that is mounted so it is gimbaled, and a 2kw dome vs. 4 kW?

Furuno still has the best target definition and is the defacto standard in the commercial fleet–which tells you something. Always go for the biggest antenna and highest output (kW) you can fit/afford. This is what helps with target discrimination in difficult conditions–sea clutter and crowded areas–and is critical to operation.

Sailing instruments: Which of these do you recommend and why: Simrad (IS12 or IS15 vs. Raytheon/ Raymarine vs. Nexus vs. another?

I have no experience with any of the above. Good Luck–Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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