Log Pages

Could you…let me know what info should be included in a ship log, or send over an example? Lisa P.

Hi Lisa: There are all sorts of ways to do a log. Years ago we used preprinted pages. Now just take a bound notebook, and make columns on a daily basis as we need them. As to the data itself. We think about this in the context of what sort of information would we want on hand if we lost all electronics. So, starting from that premise I’ve outlined below some of the things we always write down on an hourly basis.

Time of entry, speed, heading (magnetic), lat., lon., wind direction (true), wind speed(true), barometer, sea state, cloud cover (type/and trend). We then have about one third of the page left for notes and in this area we’ll make comments about what sails we are carrying, and data on the engine if it is on.

We typically record the log data on the right hand page, leaving the left page for notes on weather tactics, passaging logic, and the ever present “to do” list. Hope this helps.

Regards–Steve Dashew

PS: our new book, Practical Seamanship, has a chapter on the log and various ways of working one up.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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