Arizona Spring – Time To Go To Sea

AZ Recap short-1.jpg

Spring is in the air and for us this is a welcome change. The past four years we’ve been away at this time of year, testing the FPB prototype, and  have missed this part of Nature’s cycle. For those of you who think the Sonora desert is bleak, we have put together a slide show of what it presently looks like in our Tucson, Arizona, neighborhood. All of these photos were taken either on our property, or within a ten minute walk.

[slidepress gallery=’az-spring-2′]

Although we are looking forward to being afloat again, we’re also sad to be leaving this lovely countryside.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 15, 2010)

5 Responses to “Arizona Spring – Time To Go To Sea”

  1. Bob N Says:

    Gorgeous. Just gorgeous.

  2. Raj Narayan Says:

    Hi Steve and Linda
    Have a great cruising season and please keep up the wonderful logs.
    BTW, ARC has typos for your entry. You might want to request them to fix it. Good luck with the rally.


  3. Ants Peeker Says:

    Thanks for sharing whith us what You see around your landhome as well as You have done on board.If You haven´t made the best cruising boats, You would have been world famous fotogaf.Thanks again.
    Ants Peeker

  4. Steve R Says:

    What photographic equipment did you use to augment your considerable skill in capturing these beautiful images?

  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Steve:
    Most scenic shots were taken with a Canon 50D using either a 17/55 2.8 or 10-22 3.5 lens. The bees working the sahuaro flower was the same body with the Cannon 100/400 zoom. The bird photos are with a Canon 7D using a 500 F4 and 1.4 exender, on a tripod with a Wimberly head (the other shots are all hand held). Incidentally, we went back ti the bee shot with the 500 F4 and tripod and could duplicate the lighting.