We are always on the watch for cockpit awning ideas. Here are a couple of good ones. The cockpit awning system above has several things going for it:
- The shape is sloped so it will not collect rain or spay.
- Two large solar panels are incorporated above. This is not a perfect solution as the shade lines from rigging will cut solar output (the shade lines short the cells over which they cross).
- There is a gap between the height of the dodger and awning through which you can see forward.
- The vertical frame supports make good handholds and provide a base for further enclosure should it be desirable.
- The awning covers enough of the cockpit that two crew can always find somewhere out of the sun.
Somewhat similar frame concept on a much larger yacht. It works with the sun overhead, but a couple of hours either side of noon and half of the cockpit will be exposed. A couple of feet (60cm) of overhang around the perimeter would take care of this.
Posted by Steve Dashew (June 25, 2010)