Small Workboats of Galacia


We are always interested in the local commercial boats. Design wise, there are often lessons to be learned. The Galacian Rias have an ongoing commercial fishery, with small craft and large. The punt design above seems to be common for local fishing.


The squared off bow allows more stability and load carrying ability in a given length, and is easier to build.


Note the angle of the bow. If payload was the major reason for this design the bow would be steeper. We are guessing that it is ease of construction that is the major driver here.


These punts have all been retrofitted with outboard wells. Yamaha is the dominant brand of outboard.


A more modern skiff, inboard powered, with some protection for the crew. The long waterline, narrow beam, and heavily sprung shear will make this design very efficient at displacement speeds, and a good sea boat.


Something a little larger, but along the same lines. She looks laden with catch and is headed for market.


Same morning, again heavily loaded (note the bow down trim), pushing at close to hull speed (big hollow between the bow and stern waves).


These next boats are clamming on a shallow bank.


They are using long poles with rakes at the end.



Seems like a lot of work for a few clams, but then it is a nice day to be outside.


Finally, a modern planing design, set up for clamming, again Yamaha powered as with all the previous skiffs.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 1, 2010)

One Response to “Small Workboats of Galacia”

  1. hk Says:

    Just another detail:
    the registration numbers (the “license plate”) tell you how the boat is registered
    – 7a Pleasure vessel
    – 6a Pleasure vessel commercial use (rental)
    – 3a Commercial fishing
    The letters are indicating the district (VI=Vigo, BA=Barcelona, PM=Palma de Mallorca, MH=Mahón,…..)
    And the last two numbers are the year of registration. That started somewhere about 90 when the registration schema changed.

    Have fun
