Hello, Thanks for your excellent books and CDs. We have purchased your Encyclopedia and CD but have not gotten off cruising to the Carribe yet. Soon though.
In following your recommendations on anchoring, (we purchased a 65 lb Spade Anchor and will back it up with 200 feet of ACCO 3/8s Chain with oversized links on each – and following your admonition it must be the right size as our dockmates have laughed at the size we bought), but we had a question as to what shackle you are using with your system. We want to insure that our shackle will not be the weakest part of our system. Can you advise the maker and size of shackles in use on your boat? Ed & Sue
Hi Ed and Sue: The first time you are anchored on a poor bottom with a gale howling around your ears and your neighbors dragging you’ll be the ones laughing with the big anchor!
Re shackles, just make sure the breaking strength is equal to the break strength of the chain. Shackles will often be marked with a working load and you need to find the factor of safety, which is often five to one. Then check this against the chain. Stainless shackles are typically NOT strong enough. Steve