We have a ring side seat to the RC 44 Worlds, both preparation, and the racing which is taking place within view of the breakwater. A few photos follow, shot with a 500mm F4 lens (occasionally with a 1.4 extender). If you want to see the latest in fast sail design, check these out.
Posted by Steve Dashew (October 15, 2010)
October 15th, 2010 at 9:21 am
Steve were these taken from the roof of Wind Horse?
Very unusual angle for racing photos. Generally the photog is either in a RIB or a helicopter…. never anywhere in between though. Puts the horizon way above the hulls, but rig still in the sky… uncluttered shots. Nice.
Also as an aside, notice 2:1 jib halyards. What are your thoughts on that for cruising? Other than the usual plus (loads/compression) you could never lose it up the mast if let go… Any downside?
October 15th, 2010 at 3:23 pm
Howdy Ryan:
The photos were taken from the end of the breakwater.
Regarding two part halyards, we have used these on various boats over the years. For heavy loads, in particular free flying sails, they make a lot of sense. Mast compression is reduced, winch and clutch sizes can be smaller, and the only negative is a longer halyard to coil (although of smaller diameter).
October 15th, 2010 at 8:15 pm
It would totally destroy the sport of yacht racing if all classes bigger than dingys required crew to remain inside the lifelines at all times. And just think of all the chiropractors who would become unemployed.
Just a pet peeve from a over-the-hill sailor…