Full-length Keel for Cruising

Hi Steve, I’ve just found your website and have a couple of questions. I live on a 1977 40ft Cheoy Lee ketch. It is quite spacious and has a full keel. I couldn’t help noticing that you don’t mention Cheoy Lee’s anywhere on your web. Do you see this as a good cruiser and is a full keel better in weather? Thanks, Todd

Hi Todd: I have no direct experience with Cheoy Lee vessels. A full length keel is not usually an advantage in heavy going, except perhaps when hove to, and leaving a slick to weather to calm the seas. However, this is a controversial subject. The Pardees swear by it. But we have chatted with a lot of full keelers over the years who have not been able to create that “slick” to weather. Regards – Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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