ROCNA vs. Bruce Anchors

Hello, How about some coments about anchors Bruce vs ROCNA for the tropics for a 68 ft wt 68,000 sailboat. What size for the ROCNA do I go with their charts or go weigh up and do we keep a large Bruce also. Thanks, Fred

Hi Fred: The ROCNA is a much better all around anchor. There are no hard and fast rules about sizing, except that BIGGER is always better. Lots of comments on this throughout SetSail.

As to your specific boat, without knowing the windage and configuration hard to say. But a Sundeer 64 Ketch went through the big hurricane a couple of years ago in Grenada with a 80kg Bruce (176 lhbs), so I would start there, using the additional holding power of the ROCNA for higher factor of safety in poor holding and the ability to anchor on very short scope. – Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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