Downloadable Ambiance Video Test


We have been experimenting with high definition videos to run as background on our big screen TV (or on the computer monitor). In theory, you should be able to download these for viewing as well. This blog is a test and we would love to get some feedback on how the quality looks, and if simple background videos like this are of interest.


Click here to visit the download page.

Placing your mouse in the upper right hand corner of the download image, as shown in the photo above, will bring up a dialog box where you can choose the size you want to download. The high definition version of this eight minute video is 234mb of data.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 15, 2011)

3 Responses to “Downloadable Ambiance Video Test”

  1. Gilles Philippin Says:

    Hello there, the image quality is definitively HD but it’s not something that I would have on my computer. I prefer your slide-shows, have a nice day, bye.
    Gilles Philippin.

  2. Zenon Tymosko Says:

    No, the video does not work, because it just makes me want to stare at it and pretend I’m sitting on a beach, instead of doing all the other stuff I’m supposed to be doing. So it’s not “ambient”.

    But in all seriousness, it downloaded just fine, and the image quality and sound are very good, so I think you have another success on your hands! I dl’d the High Def version, and used both Quicktime and VLC player to play it.

  3. Passagemaker.S Says:

    The sound of the water lapping on the sand shore was very meditative. What really struck me was how large the sound was compared to the “wave” that caused it. And yes, I have some interest in these visual “tone poems”, but you’ll likely need an NPR grant to pay for making them…