In our never ending quest for Internet connectivity we continue to add tools. This is a UBNT high gain directional antenna. It is mounted on our old FollowMeTV single axis tracker. Keith Smith from in Oriental, NC first introduced us to this unit.
As long as it is pointed in roughly the right direction it improves performance and reduces the clutter that an omnidirectional high gain antenna produces.
It communicates via an Ethernet cable, and is not the most user friendly hardware/software combination. So we now have the following:
- UBNT high gain directional Ethernet antenna.
- Alpha 36 high gain amp connected to omnidirectional high gain via USB.
- Alpha 36 with a short USB cable for direct connection to the computer.
- Verizon 3G/4G modem via USB.
All of which can be confusing for the older generation.
Enter Chris Martin, son of Jaja and Dave, born and raised while cruising, and the best computer whiz we have ever asked to sort out our Internet, file sharing, and general gremlin issues. Chris even has our Furuno black box weather fax talking to the computer.
We now have a clear set of instructions and screen shots to consult when we forget how to switch from one source to another, or the Internet sharing between the various computers decides to quit.
The high gain directional UBNT is being used today as we are anchored off the Wooden Boat Building School in Brooklin, Maine. Verizon is too weak to be of use, the omnidirectional doesn’t get us connected, but UBNT has a great signal. Aside from uploading this blog, we are watching the first IAAC 45 foot cat regatta from Cascais, Portugal.
In a later post we will detail this a bit more. Stay tuned.
Post Script: The tracker was originally used with a Direct TV satellite dish. It has been idle on our stern since spring of 2008. We did not really expect it to function when we fired it up, but work it does. A good piece of gear.
August 6th, 2011 at 10:58 am
Do you have a model number or name for the the UBNT device. They have lots and lots of products.
August 6th, 2011 at 10:54 pm
Hi David:
The UBNT antenna we use is called a NanoStation M2
August 6th, 2011 at 11:03 am
Years ago i was searching for info on sailboats on the internet, which led to the debate on hull material, which led to metal hulls, which led to experiences with metal sailboats, which led to, the Martin’s site, which recommended the Dashews!
Now we’ve come full circle, ain’t the internet great?
August 9th, 2011 at 7:49 am
Noting this is off topic, but I am curious, after seeing the Fortress: Have you ever considered a dedicated stern anchor with a proper roller/launch/carrying systems and windlass? It might draw the anchor up flush with your stern but allow you to lower it into a dinghy for kedging, or allow you to double anchor for comfort when the wind is fighting the current. I would think with your storage lockers you’d have plenty of space to integrate that into your stern if you were so inclined, especially now that you don’t need propane.
August 9th, 2011 at 8:33 pm
Hello Robert:
We have thought about a permanent system for a stern anchor, but use it so rarely that we don’t think it worth the weight and expense. That Fortress kedge is back there because of our recent journey up the ICW, with lots of thin water. But it normally lives in t he forepeak. We avoid anchor with two hooks.