FPB Anchoring

Dear Steve Dashew, Many thanks for the fine web postings on the new powerboat. I have a question regarding your anchoring setup. How do you maintain the strength of the G7 chain through your shackle attachment to the Bruce? Do you have ACCO install an oversized link and use, say, a 5/8" shackle? Or do you have a source for high-test shackles? I am building a 19m powercat designed by Malcolm Tennant to be launched early ’06. See you in Patagonia! Thank you, Bill

Hi Bill: Matching the chain strength requires a high-strength shackle rather than one of mild steel (and never stainless). These are not always available in galvanized–so you have to put up with some rust.

We have ACCO supply the chain with oversized links on both ends, which accommodates the shackle.

We’ve found that a shackle with appropriate pin diameter for the breaking strength of the System Seven chain usually fits the large Bruce anchors without problem. – Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

2 Responses to “FPB Anchoring”

  1. George Phillips Says:

    You have advocated use of system 7 chain for anchoring due to its high strength to weight ratio. In my research on it I found it was only available ungalvanized. Makers indicate that the heat of galvanizing reduces the strength to very close to the level of the same size high-test (G-4) chain. That would certainly explain why galvanized system 7 is not available. Do you use ungalvanized chain and simply renew it when it gets rusted? Am I misunderstanding something?


  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Acco Chain in the US sell galvanized System Seven. They have been our source for many years and we recently ordered for the FPB 64s. You will need to find an industrial chain distributor.