Cool Tools From Lowes

WindHorse Mud Room 412

Last Sunday we took the afternoon off from Wind Horse and journeyed to the metropolis of Moorehead City. On the way we spied a Lowes, and needing nylon cable ties stopped for a few minutes. There was a tool department near the entrance of course, and as designed, were were drawn to the shiny rows of goodies.

The first thing we noticed was this all in one socket storage tray. Having lived with seven different handle racks for each type of socket this was a must  have. Not only  is it cool looking, but think of the time to be saved searching for the correct socket.

WindHorse Mud Room 400 2

Our side cutters (pliers) are a bit dull and when we noticed these with an articulating hinge that increases leverage, into the basket they went. After a week of intermittent use we recommend them highly.

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Chris Martin was now guiding us towards the socket department. Hard to imagine how we could need another socket, but check these out. This is about access, where you need just a touch more room. The ratchet drives, with their articulating heads, will some day be a real boon. The three wobble head extensions allow a few degrees of angle on the socket itself. Slip the socket all the way onto the extension and it is held straight.

Finally, a 1/4″ (6mm) flex drive, ideal with sockets when tightening hard to reach hose clamps.

We have recovered sufficiently to make another trip this weekend.


Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 19, 2011)

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