We passed this lovely vessel actually sailing (something we see little of around the Bahamas). Note the weather cloths and Bimini awning for cockpit protection. They’ve got a couple of good sized hooks on the bow – a Bruce and a ROCNA (the latter is on the roller so it must be the primary anchor).

This is definitely sport fishing country, and you see a lot of these guys trolling. It has us thinking about digging out the meat line. A nice mahi mahi and wahoo could easily be absorbed into our freezer.

There is a front hanging around, bringing showers, which are nice for a change, as long as we don’t need light for eyeball navigation.

Marsh Harbor is not a deep draft kind of place. We carried 5.5 to 6.5 feet (1.8 to 2m) of water into the anchorage, and whenever we maneuvered it left a trail of mud behind us.The anchorage is surrounded with marinas, and the town has lots of stores (markets, big hardware emporiums) and a selection of restaurants. We’re here to pick up a clearance from Bahamian waters for our trip north.We’re starting to think about ice.previoushighlights pagenext