Domino Run, Labrador

Photos from a sunny day traversing the twisting, rock-and-reef-strewn Domino Run.


We are headed to the village of Cartwright, through what is known locally as Domino Run. This is a twisting, rock-and-reef-strewn passage through a variety of islands, icebergs, and bergy bits.

The day offers spectacular cumulous clouds, blue sky, and bright sun. If we doubled the temperature it would look and feel like Arizona during monsoon season.


It has been so long since we have had this type of sky and light, we had forgotten what it looks like.


Almost every major promontory has one of these stone cairns.


As the afternoon wears on, and what passes for heat in these parts works on the clouds, signs of overdevelopment (thunderstorms) begin to present themselves.


And then another reminder of the monsoon season, the inevitable climax of an overdevloped cloud’s life. Only, here the water temperature is 40F (5C) with air a few degrees warmer.

If you see these, and the other recent photos before too much time has elapsed, you will know our visit to Cartwright has been successful and there is Internet to be had.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 6, 2008)

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