Straits of Belle Isle: First Icebergs

Wind Horse encounters her first East Coast icebergs in the Straits of Belle Isle – larger than a football field, and much larger than Alaskan bergs.

giant iceberg in Straights of Belle Isle

We’re sure this type of sighting will become commonplace, but it is our first iceberg and very exciting.


It showed up on radar at six miles as a large target, and we had noticed it from land at the village of Red Bay. It is as large as a medium sized ship. At least 500 feet (150m) long and and what must be close to 100 feet (30m) high.


What is not immediately apparent is how this huge berg, is floating as it is in about 250 feet (80m) of water. Our guess is that the underwater cross section must stick out a long way from the "sail", and we gave it a wide berth. Small pieces, bergy bits, were noticed three to four miles down current.


A second, smaller iceberg on the way to Henley Harbor. This one looks to be about the size of a football field in length.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (June 27, 2008)

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