Ramping Up For Testing Aboard Wind Horse


We are back in Beaufort, NC, and aboard the good ship Wind Horse for a few days of testing, some of which by necessity must be done underway and some at anchor. We are gradually lighting up systems that have been mothballed since December. So far, everything is working fine. In the testing to come there are several things we are looking for.

First on the list is the new underwater exhaust system. We only had a brief chance to test this in December, but that was enough to tell us we needed some tuning on the ramp that creates negative pressure to suck out the exhaust. What you see here is a second riff. At idle there was a burbling of exhaust gas from underwater rather than through the above waterline pressure relief tube. We have increased the cross sectional area for better release. Finally, at present the exhaust is without any form of muffler or aqua-lift. Once we get a good set of sound readings we’ll install a muffler, and then check again to see how much noise attenuation we achieve.

We are hauled out right now, launching in the morning, and a warm spring day gave us a chance to test the fresh water cooling system now in use with the air conditioning system. We are pleased to report that after running all afternoon, two 16,000 BTU and one 12,000 BTU compressors only raised the temperature of the aft water tank from 72F to 76 F. The 76F was measured on the hull, adjacent to the returning water supply.  A short distance away it was closer to ambient. If it works this well out of the water things should be really good afloat.

Preston Leah has been out installing our “mud room” and finishing the details on the flying bridge enclosure. The latter serves as a model for the Wicked FPB 97 Matrix Deck details. And Cory McMahon with sidekick Casy have been installing the new acrylic wind screens that accompany the EverClear windows. We are looking forward to living with these accoutrements for a few days, as a result of which there will undoubtedly be a few changes on Wind Horse’s larger cousin.

The last major set of tests with which we need to deal revolve around the stern extension. We’ve seen benefits beyond what we expected with the FPB 64s’ extensions, and we want to see if we get similar results on Wind Horse. We will be looking at both straight line efficiency gains and any change in pitch behavior.


Finally, we need to do a little shooting, lest rust overtake the photo reflex system. The BIF above was kind enough to pose for us while we were doing an end-of-day parade along the Intra Coastal Waterway.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (March 19, 2012)

10 Responses to “Ramping Up For Testing Aboard Wind Horse”

  1. Bill Says:

    Prettiest cormorant I’ve seen….could be anhinga but think not


  2. David Guest Says:

    Don’t those beautiful forward driving wings make you want to cast off the lines and head out…

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    At least for a few days…

  4. Gerhard J. Says:

    Hi Steve,

    look at this http://www.freshairexhaust.com
    using the venturi effect is great.

  5. David M. Says:

    Is an underwarter exhaust new for Wind Horse or is this just an improvement of her existing underwater system? Why the change?

    Missing updates on the 64 builds….addicted I guess!

  6. Steve Dashew Says:

    Underwater exhaust is new. We’ll update the 64s in next week.

  7. Norm Moore Says:

    This looks similar to a Von Widmann aft chamber underwater exhaust design.

  8. Steve Dashew Says:

    Coincidentally, Norm, we were talking to George this morning. If any SetSail visitors have experience with Von’ Widmann underwater exhausts (or any other designs), we’d l ove to hear about it.

  9. Alain M Says:

    Hi Steve,
    The jump in efficiency is only coming from the new exhaust line or I have mist something???
    Also the lack of muffler can add to the efficiency! Waiting for the next result, sure some noise benefit again, but about efficiency, there is the really question! In my eyes!

  10. Steve Dashew Says:

    There is a one meter extension to the hull. Most of the gains are coming from it.