We are planning to buy a SAGA 43 which is a very narrow boat, with a narrow bow. We have been told that the boat sails while at anchor. We were wondering if this is a problem simply because of the narrow width and bow, and if there is some way to counteract and rid ourselves of this problem by anchoring techniques, use of wind vane, use of a riding sail, etc. We know that the Deerfoot is a narrow boat and hoped that your experience with narrow hulls might put us on the right track. We would appreciate any suggestions you might have. Thank you. Sandy
Hi Sandy: Actually, narrow boats are more calm at anchor than their fatter brethren. However, the two roller furled jibs on the Saga 43 will create a forward center of effort when on the hook and this could be the cause of the problems you report. The easiest (only) way around this is with a riding sail. Experiment with the storm jib on the backstay. Once you get a feel for the size, you can have a proper sail made up (more data on riding sails can be found in both Offshore Cruising Ency. and Surviving the Storm). Steve