Does it make a difference where on the rode you attach a nylon snubber when anchoring? I would think that closest to the boat would be best – putting the snubber between most of the chain shock and the boat, but that would make it impossible to shorten your scope after setting the anchor. Suggestions? Mark L.
Hi Mark: The issue of where on the rode you attach is really a function of how long a snubber is being used. What you need varies with the conditions being experienced and the load on your boat. The longer the snubber, the more shock it will absorb. Our snubber on Beowulf is 25′ long 1/2″ three strand nylon. We usually have just ten feet or so veered – the longer length is used when there is more load. You can find quite a bit of data on snubbers and anchoring in both Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia and Practical Seamanship. Good Luck – Steve