Automatic Anchor Lights

Hi Steve: I’m interested in rigging a timer to my anchor light so I don’t burn it during the day when I’m away from the boat. Are you aware of any 12V timers I could put in the line to the light or another way to skin this cat? Thank you, Tom

Hi Tom: Several ways to go about this. One way is to go to Radio Shack, pick up a mini-solar cell and a normally closed solenoid. When the NC solenoid receives power from the solar panel during the day, it opens the circuit to the anchor light.

A simpler way is to buy an LED with a plastic Fresnel lens from Davis Instruments. Or, West Marine sells something similar powered by a lantern battery. Both of these have the mini solar panels, so they turn off during the day. Regards – Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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