Prince William Sound – Part Two

Prince William Sound, Part 2: Putting the SONAR to work, thanks to sketchy charts.

Waterfall Cove, Prince William Sound

One of these is Waterfall Cove (you can see where it gets its name). This is reputed to be the largest waterfall in the Sound.

Waterfall Cove, Prince William Sound

And it is deep right up to the face, in case you need to wash the anchor.

These folks had the anchorage all to themselves, and we decided it would not be fair to intrude.

Camping, Prince William Sound

They must be hardy souls, as the temperatures are not much above freezing at night, and it had been raining steadily for the past week.

sonar Bettles Cove

Bettles Cove is another of those spots which make us very happy to have the Furuno CH 270 SONAR aboard. The entrance is narrow, and the charts are sketchy. The SONAR is on the screen to the left, radar is on the right. The radar range rings each equal 150 feet in radius, while the SONAR is on 460 feet. We verify with SONAR that the center of the passage is clear of obstacles.

BettlesCove, Prince William Sound

Bettles Cove is almost totally land locked, with good holding – a safe place to sit out a blow if needed. The sun is out in full force, wind calm, and we’re thinking we might finally get that poster-sized photo for the office.

Canon 24-70mm L series kens

A mile to the south are the usual craggy mountains, textured snow, and glaciers which you have to look at in this part of the world. The view changes with time of day. Above is late afternoon, using a 24-70 lens set on 40mm.

Canon 10-22mm lens

This is early the next morning, now with a 10-22mm lens, set to 20mm.

BettlesCove, Prince William Sound

Forests come right to the water’s edge. There are plenty of bear tracks and scat, plus the usual eagles, and otters, to entertain.

BettlesCove, Prince William Sound

We like the way the official Prince William Sound landscape architect has designed this rock garden. The soft moss cap on the granite boulder, topped with a carefully shaped tree sculpture, would look nice in the back yard in Arizona.

Gig Harbor dinghy, Bettles Cove

As the sun is shining and it is dry for a change, we’re using our rowing machine for exercise and contemplation.

BettlesCove, Prince William Sound

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 2, 2007)

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