1100 EST. We’re clear of the Bermudan reefs, having left the Northeast Tower abeam an hour ago. Breeze is light – ten knots – from the NNW. The barometer is rising rapidly – now 1021 and there are about 3/8 cumulous cloud cover with no higher clouds giving off warning signs. Without benefit of weather fax, GRIB files, or professional routers, we can say with some certainty that the high is filling in from the west; the barometer alone tells us that.
The fact that the winds are still from the north indicates the leading edge of the high is what is making the barometer jump (with clockwise circulation, the east side of northern hemisphere highs always have N winds). This means we should have the winds lighten and go variable as the center of the high moves over us – then switch to SW (hopefully) and then clock around to the N again as the next front comes through.
Meanwhile…there’s a BIG leftover sea out here, primarily from the N to NNE. We’re making slow progress directly towards Norfolk at present – motorsailing at 9 to 9.5 knots – taking it easy until these seas lay down in another 12 hours or so.
The passage being officially underway, the two of us are ensconsed in the pilot house reading – and the oatmeal cookie inventory is being carefully monitored (max consumption is one cookie per person per 40 miles, if they are to hold out until the Chesapeake Bay Bridge).