Lofoten Surprise – Lille Molle


We’ve found a hidden Norwegian paradise, just five miles east of Svolvaer. This could easily be an island in Mexico’s Sea of Cortez. The beach, rocks, and vegetation (sans cactus) are right in line with what you’d expect just south of the US border. We are just shy 45 degrees F (24C) of temperature to make the picture perfect.


We have even had some sunlight and blue sky, fleeting though these conditions may be, with which to bring out the colors and contrasts.


The beach looks inviting enough to dig out our sand buckets.


And we are enjoying watching the light play over the mountain on our starboard beam.


Whoever created these rock sculptures knew what they were doing.


We are used to sharing these lovely surroundings with Norwegians. However here we have just these homes, and two at the opposite side of the bay, and no lights to be seen anywhere. Between the beautiful anchorage and the privacy our anchor is temporarily stuck. The dinghy is in the water now, the sun is shining, and the breeze has gone quiet. Time to do some exploring.

Post script: We could not decide which photos we liked best, so we are adding a few extras at the end.




Lille Molle Lofoten Norway 331

Posted by Steve Dashew  (June 5, 2009)

2 Responses to “Lofoten Surprise – Lille Molle”

  1. Brian Stokes Says:

    It looks very tropical – what is the water temperature?


  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Looks can be decieving! Water temperature is between 47 and 50F (warm for 68 degrees north) but not conducive to swimming.