We are in Longyearbyen for 24 hours and able to upload photos. These will give you a feel for the visual impact of what we have been experiencing. All of these photos were taken within 24 hours between our visits to Hornsund and Bellesund.
Lots of bird life, but they are fast flyers and hard to catch on camera.
We have been forced to leave both of the anchorages we have used by ice incursion. In this case at 0400, hence the big shadows off the mountain.
This ice looks light, but these are big chunks of berg ice.
Wind Horse gives us the ability to up anchor and move while staying warm and dry in the great room. As such, there is no hesitation to put to sea with even a slight risk scenario.
One of the two sailboats we have seen at sea in the last 15,000 miles. These folks were our dockmates in Tromso and have been to Greenland and Labrador.
This is our friend Joe Kutschka checking the functionality of the 1940 Mauser 30-06 we are carrying for polar bear defense. We fired off 15 rounds without a hitch.
Post wedding anniversary photo at 78 degrees North. Forty two years of married bliss and still cruising through life.