The trip up the coast from Red Bluff harbor revealed more of the same awesome mountains and waterfalls.

We’ll include a sampling of the scenery as it will probably be a couple of weeks before we have a fast enough connection to send large photos.

Warm Springs Cove is just a couple of hours up the coast, and we had not planned to stop. But then we thought we should give it another chance after last year’s muddy, rainy visit anchored off the waterfall for a few hours.

Nothing significant to mention about the entrance, other than the fact that we were connected with our Verizon cell phones and Verizon broad band service (and this is the east side of Baranof!). So we spent an hour "hove to" using the Internet and calling family.

Last year in July there was no room for us on the dock. This year we have it all to ourselves in mid-May.

This has been a hard winter for the Warm Springs residents. Eighteen feet (5.5 meters) of snow. It was enough to push these summer cabins off their foundations.

There is, of course, another massive waterfall. We were here last year with our daughter Elyse and granddaughter Emma, and we wish they were with us now.

In the sun the temperature is quite pleasant – 52F (10C). But in the shade we are happy to have on our long heavy coats. At night it cools right down to just above freezing.

We’ve been seeing these flowers sprouting up since Ketchikan, but have no idea what they are.

There’s a boardwalk to thermal pools a half mile from the harbor. We made it half way, and then decided that the three feet (90cm) of snow covering the trail made the hot tub on Wind Horse (really just a bathtub) more inviting.

As we were walking back to the boat a float plane landed with a local resident, her supplies, and three dogs. She was coming back from a marketing trip to Sitka. We asked her if she was just arriving for the summer and she indicated she lived here year round. She must be one tough lady. If you are tough too, there is some real estate for sale (see the sign above). But note the snow damage to the skiff on top of the container.