Cruising in the Pacific Northwest: Rainy Day Routine

Rainy day routine.

It is hard to believe that a few days ago we were sweltering in Desolation Sound and now it’s sweaters and diesel heater time, with overcast and drizzle. The change is actually nice. After all, we’ve spent so much time in the tropics that we are looking for this type of weather – at least that’s what we keep telling ourselves.


Our routine while underway is pretty much the same whether it’s nice or not so nice outside. One of us concentrates on keeping watch. In this area of the world, that takes a lot more attention than on the open ocean. Today Steve has the watchkeeping duty.


We’ve only recently come back to drinking coffee. The drink itself is good, but the process is also fun. Here Linda is using our cappuccino machine.


We used to think only effete snobby types drank these kinds of drinks.


On a cold, drizzly type of day this is tough to beat!


Of course coffee on its own, even a soy milk latte, could be depressing in this weather. So, we deemed it necessary to do some research on chocolate chip cookies. This process begins with a sampling of the cookie dough, prior to the first oven insertion, to make sure it is up to standard.


Our tummies will attest that these made the grade. Note the heat-resistant kevlar gloves in the upper right of the photo. Great for the oven and for the engine room.


Linda is s rare person who loves to iron. During basketball season, if the game on TV is too intense, she brings out the ironing board to help her calm down. Steve, on the other hand, feels that if you can wad the clothes up and shove them onto a shelf, they will come out just fine.

Given the weather in this part of the world we are likely to be drinking a lot of coffee, eating many forms of baked goods, and doing a lot of ironing…

Posted by Steve Dashew  (July 9, 2006)

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