Greetings to you from Vanuatu…We are leaving Paradise in December to return to NZ to find a boat to go cruising for the next three to five years. All going well, we will do a circumnavigation. We are interested in steel boats and I was wondering if you could recommend the best book I could read on steel construction techniques–with a view particularity to proven or recognized standards. Also, do you know of a good steel surveyor in Auckland who could give us an opinion on one boat in particular that we are interested in at present. The reason I ask is because we have had several opinions so far and they are all conflicting!!! Many thanks for your help. Keep up the good work! Gary
Hi Gary: I don’t know of any books on steel construction per se. However, you might check with the big boating book store at the bottom of Westhaven (name escapes me right now). I don’t think there is any “ultimate” way to do things with steel. There are many approaches to framing and construction. The key factor is to make sure no water can get trapped in the structure below decks (good drainage) and that there are no rust pockets in the structure. You can always ultra sound a hull to see if it is OK, and cutting out and replacing plate is no big deal. If you look at a bunch of steel boats–crawl through the bilge’s and engine rooms, look at paint finishes carefully, and be mindful of the detailing on deck after a while you will know what is right and wrong with a given boat. However, our personal preference is aluminum. Lighter, easier on maintenance–especially if you leave it bare. Good hunting–Steve
A reader writes:
Hi, I was surfing your site looking for some input on steel boats, and I found a question about books on steel boats (Cruising Central/Cruiser’s Q&A/Construction issues/Steel Boats). There was none mentioned. So I thought to send you this one I came across for future reference. I have not read it yet but the author is a known metal boat designer. Title: Metal Boats (description from “By Bruce Roberts-Goodson Written for those who are interested in building in Steel, Aluminum and Copper- Nickel. The benefits and disadvantages of the different metals are explained in detail. Discusses the right tools and equipment and welding techniques and how they apply to various metals. The differences between the various hull shapes is explained in detail plus selecting the correct engine(s) and equipment. Other subjects include electrolytic protection, building skegs. keels and pilot houses, in fact everything you need to know about metal boats is covered between the pages of this book. “) Best regards, Lycio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Another reader writes:
One of your readers asked about steel boat information. I am rebuilding Minots Light, a steel 58′ Alden Ketch. During this project I have found a source for information about aluminum and steel boat construction, repair, system management, and maintenance. to be helpful. The Metal Boat Society maintains a website at There you can find tons of information to sift through. Neophytes to experienced professional builders contribute info/opinion/ideas at this site, sometimes sparking spirited debate. P.S. After much soul searching, researching, and penny pinching, I am now the proud owner of a Hundested CPP. -Robert Lanford