Which Head?

Giving us most headache in the construction plans for our yacht at the moment is the heads and holding tanks. I have read all your books now and a few others and we will follow your advice, make it as simple as possible. Now there are a lot of heads on the market and the next one is always better than all the others. Please point out one head that you know works and that you have experience from and is simple in construction. I want to pump from head to a holding tank and then be able to choose either pumping out to the sea or to empty the tank at service stations where available. Thanks for your time and all the best to all of you at Set Sail.

Hi Chris: I have limited experience with head, having found several that work and having stayed with them over the years. For simple, light,and inexpensive it is hard to beat Raritan’s PH2 (or at least that is the model we last used).

For long term cruising I would suggest carrying a complete spare pump, and half a dozen “choker” valves. We have also had very good luck with Mansfield Vacuflush toilets. These work well with holding tanks as they have a very small a amount of flushing water. Carry a “plunger” in case a guest uses too much toilet paper and plugs the system).

Note: Vacuflush should be used with fresh water (you can use salt, but it causes a build up of minerals in the pumps and vacuumed chambers). Steve

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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