
Hi Steve & Linda,

I have been going through old blog posts and came across the series you did on SONAR. This reminded me of the recent update showing the install of a Furuno unit in a new 64. I just wanted to direct you to another manufacturer that you may not be aware of. They’re just across the sound from the folks who make your auto-pilot. (I don’t work for them in any way, just thought the product looked interesting.) I particularly found the testimony of a sailor who sails the Antarctic for a living compelling. It could prove to be a decent alternative to Furuno.

Happy Holidays,


Thanks Seth:

At the time we decided on Furuno we felt they had the best  product for our needs.


Posted by Steve Dashew  (December 28, 2009)

One Response to “Sonar”

  1. Bo Leonard Says:


    There has been a lot of discussion lately on one of the boating forums regarding sonar. The general consensus has been that they are very difficult to read and at cruising speed the possibilities of being able to distinguish a floating container from a school of fish is almost impossible. I was wondering if you could share your experiences and what applications you see it most beneficial in?
