A Bottom Paint That Works, and Ready To Start “The List”


We’ve been hauled by Jarrette Bay and the first order of business is an inspection of the bottom. We are not displeased with what we see. Starting with the props, painted with “Prop Speed” four months ago, and they look very clean.


The hull zincs look good as well. These are the originals, now 6.5 years old. As we are having a basement purge, we shall replace the zincs with spares we carry on board.


The bottom is very clean considering the antifouling, Ameron ABC #3, was applied 2 full seasons ago.


Finally, Wind Horse being trundled into the Bausch American building, where she shall reside until she has had a thorough check and a few new bobbles added.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 3, 2011)

13 Responses to “A Bottom Paint That Works, and Ready To Start “The List””

  1. John Says:

    “Ameron #5” ? is this something new ? Can’t find any references to it.

  2. Don Joyce Says:


    Very curious about the bottom paint. The only Ameron bottom paints I can find are ABC 3 and ABC 4. What is #5?


    Don Joyce

  3. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy John and Don:
    That should be Ameron ABC #3.

  4. Patrick S Lasswell Says:


    Do you have a checklist and specification for your basement purge? Could you share that?

    Also, do you have a method for remembering that-thing-you-put-in-that-place-that-time to differentiate “just in case” from clutter when somebody else is clearing an area?

    In the last picture, it looks like Wind Horse is getting a bit of a blush on her cheeks, near the chain locker. Is there a way of clearing that without the entire hull getting a scrub, or are you just going to cry havoc and let loose the greenies of war?

  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Patrick:
    That blush, as you put it is tannic acid from the ICW (you should see the light colored fiberglass boats!). Whether we leave it or polish the entire topside is yet to be considered.

  6. Bill Says:

    Is my memory wrong? I thought you were running 3 bladed props.


  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    Howdy Bill:
    We switched to threes winter of 2009, and just switched back to the fours.

  8. Bob Stobart Says:


    You had a previous article (March 19th, 2010) on prop coatings and at that time you were using Prop Shield, have you gone back to using Prop Speed now? Which product would you suggest using?

  9. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Bob:
    Both work. Prop Speed, correctly applied, is better. The prop shop in Charleston had a modest price f or this so we had t hem coated when we repitched.

  10. Don Joyce Says:


    What did you use to build up a barrier coat prior to applying ABC#3?



  11. Steve Dashew Says:

    We have a complete system of primer, and then multiple coats of expoxy before the bottom paint. For more information see https://setsail.com/aluminum-paint-system-update/

  12. JOHN NICHOLS Says:

    Hi Steve,
    I have recently had an inspection over one of your, 64? (built in NZ), now here in Noumea….well thought out.
    I have a 50′ Aluminium Pilot house, cutter rig yacht.
    Antifouling for aluminium boats is and always was (since TBT was banned) a major problem.
    An added complication for me is that I am based in Australia…..who approve almost nothing that works.
    I am on my way to Fiji and will haul out for the cyclone season, antifoul etc and relaunch April,2015.
    Prior to reading the comments on this site, I was intending to use ‘Vivid’.
    The bottom line:
    what antifouling would you recommend I use.

  13. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi John:
    Would you be the same John Nichols we met so long ago in the Solomon Islands? Re bottom paint, we have been using copper based since 2005. But this requires the correct undercoat system. If you search SetSail for “bottom paint” and/or “antifouling” it should bring up the details.