Anchor Chain Storage

I am doing an extensive refit of an old Pearson Coaster (30ft) with the goal of doing some extensive cruising. One problem I have been attempting to solve is the storage of the anchor chain. I know were I want to store it, in the keel, but getting it there is the problem.

I want to deliver the chain to the keel from the windless through a PVC pipe to the keel. My theory is that the PVC pipe is something that should be considered a wear item. I would be installing it in such a way that it can be easily replaced. Thus far I have isolated that I need a minimum slope of 12 degrees and that I need to use a pipe size of 1 1/2″ ID for the 1/4″ High Test chain. The next size smaller PVC pipe, 1 1/4″ ID, is just the right size that if a link rolls up the chain will jam.

This appears to me as though I might be going about this from the wrong direction. I don’t have any experience in this area and something doesn’t feel right about my solution.

If anyone has had any experience in this area and would be willing to share any suggestions, they would be most welcome. If I am going about this from the wrong direction, please tell me, and if there is a better way to approach this problem, that I would also like to know. Thank you in advance, Fred C.

Hi Fred: Your instincts are right on! If you want the chain to self-stow, you will need a nearly vertical drop off the windlass. Bringing it back to the keel is great for motion, but a pain for storage. Guaranteed that someone will have to pull it back and flake it. Maybe a compromise will work: Straight drop for everyday use, and then the PVC pipe for passages. Steve Dashew

Thank you for the reply. You confirmed what I thought would be the case, however let me give you a couple of additional details just to see if that changes the picture any. First; There is a straight drop from the windless into the top end of the PVC pipe of about 20″ then the pipe has a slope in the range of 12 to 14 degrees. At the end of the pipe there is a small roller then a drop to the bottom of the keel of about 18″. This final drop is what I hope will add what ever pull is necessary to over come the friction between the chain and the PVC pipe. I am going ahead and installing this system and what ever changes are needed I will just have to plug holes and go to plan B, what ever that might be. The one bit of information I am missing is a chart listing what volume a given length of 1/4″ High Test chain will take up. If you could guide me to where this might be published I would greatly appreciate it.

Hi Fred: You might get away with your approach. Best thing is to test it with a mock up on shore, before building it in. Re: chain volume, I have that somewhere in the office, but not sure right now where. If I find it, will send it to you. Steve

Steve: Thank you for your help. I have done an extensive mock up, in the boat, and found that attempting to store the anchor chain in the keel would be marginal at best. Therefore, I have opted for moving the water tank to the keel and putting a chain box in it’s place under the v-berth. Thank you, Fred C.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (November 30, 1999)

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