Atlantic Bound

Giraltar Canaries Fcast.jpg

It was 62F/16C inside Wind Horse this morning, our fenders are soft in the cool air, there are three mega yachts fueling next to us in Gibraltar, and the Azores high is pumping. This means an easy exit from Gibraltar and 20 to 30 knots on the stern all the way to the Canary Islands. We have the deck rigged for passaging, emergency gear is about to be deployed, a last trip to the market is in the offing, and the engine room check will proceed shortly. And then we are off into the Atlantic heading southwest.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (September 30, 2010)

2 Responses to “Atlantic Bound”

  1. Matt Marsh Says:

    “Fair winds and following seas to you” would seem the appropriate thing to say…. not that Wind Horse would complain too much if it turns out otherwise.
    Enjoy the passage… I’m looking forward to more “dreaming material” from the Canaries, as the Canadian winter approaches up here.

  2. Carlos V Sucre Says:

    Good luck, hope nice weather and easy crossing. Almost a piece of cake for Dashews and Windhorse