
Steve and Linda,
I’m a long term Setsail addict and I’d love to know what Beowolf has been up to since she was purchased from you. As well, it appears that a sister ship was never built. Is this correct, and why not if not?


Andrew Hogg
in landlocked Calgary AB, Canada

Hi Andrew:

Beowulf has been to Hawaii, Canada, and Mexico since we sold her. Her sisterhsip (yes, there is one) cruised the South Pacific, then sailed to Florida. We are not sure what she has been doing since.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (May 12, 2011)

9 Responses to “Beowulf”

  1. Russel Says:

    Hi Steve,

    What are your viewson AGM batteries for yachts as opposed to traditional lead acid? THere seem to be a lot of advantages – just wondering if you use them and if there are any significant downsides in terms of battery life?



  2. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Russel:
    If you have the space – which we do – for longevity, cost, and depth of discharge you cannot beat conventional lead/acid “traction” batteries. AGM do not allow the depth of discharge nor last any where near as long.

  3. James Says:

    In response to Beowulf…She is docked in Marina Del Rey, CA. I have been here nearly two years and have not seen her moved. I saw a man on her deck the day I bought my boat, but have not observed anyone aboard her since. It breaks my heart to see such a ship sit. I found site by chance and was shocked to see Beowulf here.

  4. Russel Says:

    Hi STeve,

    Realised I replied instead of using a new topic.

    I thought you could comfortably discharge AGM’s to 50% -about the same as Lead acid – I am guessing from your response I am mistaken. Do you know what the comparable number of cycles are between lead acid and AGM? Not needing ventilation seems an advantage as well but I would like to understand all the disadvantages before making a decision.

    Thanks again



  5. Steve Dashew Says:

    Hi Russel:
    Battery types is a very complex issue. The decision matrix starts with space available and then you go from there. 100+ years after invention, the wet lead alloy battery is hard to beat for usable life, ability to take abuse, cycles, depth of discharge, and cost. There are, of course, all types of these batteries. Our experience is with traction type, which are typically good for 1200/1500 80% cycles and 15/20 years of service. If you discharge to 50%, cycles will triple. Wet batteries are easy to check for condition using a hydrometer, something that is impossible with sealed units, and amp hour meters are not that reliable.
    On WInd Horse and the 64s we are using sealed traction batteries. Second choice, but required because of where they need to go. The biggest drawback is the inability to check capacity with a hydrometer.
    With AGMs and similar the depth of discharge and cycles are not nearly as favorable, and cost per usable amp hour we have found to be higher.
    However, the situation is fluid and we keep watching.

  6. Horst (German) Says:

    Dear Linda, dear Steve
    I have become a “Dashew believer”. Your designs make so much sense! I am looking for a cruising yacht on which to retire with my significant other. I would love to own a boat like a Sundeer or Beowulf (on that note it really is shame to hear that she’s not out in her element – I do not expect you to comment on that point). The issue is as so often money but even more the availability of used Sundeer or Deerfoot designs. I’m specifically looking for 56/64 ft yachts – thats propably all I can afford. I certainly do not have $4 Mio.
    Here is my question is there a possibility to have a late Sundeer design build? I remember taht you are very reluctant to provide plans, blueprints etc (which I undestand). And if “yes” any idea what the cost for a 56/64 ft design would be?

    Thank you in advance and good luck with all your projects and adventures. I am a great admirer
    PS – Maybe I should find Beowulfs owner anda s if I can sail her 😉

  7. Steve Dashew Says:

    Thanks for the kind words, Hosrt:
    As you mentioned, we do not sell plans. We prefer to control the final outcome more than selling plans allows.
    You might check out the FPB 64. Although a stinkpot, she is a very efficient cruising machine, with better heavy weather capability and lower operating costs than any of our sailing deigns (as much as I hate to admit it!).

  8. Harry Privette Says:

    Steve, What ever happened to CONDOR? I elieve she was as close a sistership as you can get. I sailed her across the Pacific to Ft Lauderdale with Dave Whyman in 2000- the highlight of my 50 years of sailing.

  9. Steve Dashew Says:

    She is in the West Indies with her third owner, and now has a carbon rig with taller more agressively reached main and mizzen.