I have for two years been cruising my Hylas 46, and have realized it is not the boat I need to continue cruising. I believe one of your Deerfoot series, ideally a 61 would serve me better. Do sellers go solely to brokers or do they sometimes ask if you know of a prospective purchaser? Do they often come on the market? I realize the last question is probably often asked and a generalization is difficult. If you have the time to reply I would appreciate it.–Mike Parker
Hi Mike: Owners sometimes call us when they are ready to sell their boats. However, since we are doing some sailing these days, they usually go through brokers. Since the brokerage business is pretty much connected via computer, I suspect anyone can keep an eye open for you on a listing. However, the boats seem to sell pretty fast–usually within six to eight weeks of coming on the market, so you will need to move fast. Right now I am not aware of any for sale–but check as I have been out of the loop a while. Good Luck–Steve Dashew