I just received the new book and video. It will take some time to read the book, but I have some comments about the video.
BEOWULF is an incredible boat; however, I must admit that it is a bit discouraging knowing that in all likelihood I will never be able to afford a boat like that. I am impressed with the thought and engineering that went into the boat, and I want to know if Steve & Linda have designed a lower priced boat, or if they recommend any boats in the $100 to $300M price range. Perhaps a used boat. My family of 5 is hoping to begin a cruising life in the next 3 years.
Hi Mark: Thanks for the nice comments. There are so many choices it is tough to pick a few out. I guess the best advice I can give you is to review the guidelines in both Offshore Cruising Ency and Surviving the Storm–see what fits your needs, and then make choices and/or tradeoffs accordingly.
One of my personal favorites, from the 1970s, which can be had for under $100,000–is a Cal 48. A fast, seaworthy Bill Lapworth design. If you are careful and do some of the work yourself, you could spend 50/75K to upgrade sails, rig, and systems, and have a wonderful cruising boat. Good Luck with the hunt–Steve