Got your books, got your videos, got one question.
I am looking at importing a boat into Canada, BC to be exact. What I am wondering about is, I NEVER see articles or otherwise written on registration issues. If I bring a boat into Canada for example that is not built in the USA or Canada. I am subject to 9.5% duty (if it’s a French built boat), and 7% Provincial sales tax. and 7% G.S.T. This is based on the appraised value of the boat. I see boats registered in The Grand Cayman’s, Bermuda, and other offshore places and I am sure that the owners are Canadians. If I buy a boat in the USA and leave it there I don’t pay Canadian Taxes but I cannot sail it in Canadian waters. Is their such a thing as an offshore registered boat that I can sail in Canadian waters as a Canadian without having to pay all the duty etc. Thanks, any information would be appreciated. An Avid fan, Gord
Hi Gordon: I can’t help with data on Canadian registration as I have no experience there. However, in Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia we have quite a bit of data on offshore registrations. We’ve had some direct experience with the Cayman Islands as have many of our clients over the years–and it may be that a Cayman (or other) flag will help you out in Canada. I would think a quick call to Canadian Customs, or some checking with the local yacht brokers would yield first hand data. Regards–Steve Dashew