The following slideshow highlights some favorites from our first cruising season aboard FPB 78-1 Cochise… Read the rest »
Cruising Slide Shows
Photo collections from our favorite cruising destinations around the world.
2011 Cruising Favorites
Humpbacks Come Calling
As promised, we have a short but sweet video to share of our recent visit by a pod of humpback whales.
Baja California and the Sea of Cortez
2010 Cruising Favorites
Favorite photos from 2010 aboard Wind Horse: Mallorca, Spain, Portugal, the Canaries, and the ARC rally…
Svalbard Slide Show
Svalbard is as close to the pole as you can get on this planet. The anchorage above just 615 miles from the North Pole, and one of the most beautiful places we have ever been. There is a high res version of this slide show here.
Bahama Islands Slide Show
The Bahamas feature warm waters, miles of untouched beaches, friendly locals, and proximity to Florida. It takes moderate draft to cruise here, but if you have it, the Bahamas are at the top of the list on where to go. Click here for a higher res version.
Fiji and Fanning Atoll
The Island nation of Fiji in the South Pacific and Fanning Atoll just north of the equator are two dream tropical destinations.
Click here for a high res version of this slide show.
Baja California, Mexico, and the Sea of Cortez
Baha California and the Sea of Cortez is a quiet, rugged, and beautiful area to cruise. The are is filled with wild life from whales, to giant squid, to hawks and pelicans. A high res version is here.
Norway’s West Coast and the Lofoten Islands
Norway’s West Coast has some of the friendliest inhabitants to be found anywhere. There are thousands of anchorages, miles and miles of protected waterways, and several thousand years of seafaring traditions, in short, a wonderful place to cruise. A higher res version is here.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador are challenging areas to live and to cruise. But if you make the effort you will find this hostile environment rewarding, and the locals hard working and self reliant, not to mention friendly to strangers. A high res version is here.