Thanks for offering the weather book. It’s an area I’ve struggled to understand well even after passing two FAA written and oral exams on the topic. Hopefully, your book will penetrate more deeply.
Since you began your cruising in a Columbia 50, a SoCal production boat I believe, I’m wondering if you have published anything that *specifically* addresses choosing a production boat for offshore sailing. I realize your Encyclopedia could, in one sense, be considered a treatise on that since it addresses ‘all things cruising and boats’, but I’m looking for something targeted more directly at this topic. Any suggestions? Thanks!
This is a wide and difficult subject. No easy answers as there are so many variables, starting with budget, where the boat will be going, and what is available on the market. I would say that half or more of Offshore Cruising Encyclopedia is devoted directly or indirectly to this subject.
I can offer a couple of basic caveats: First, invest in waterline before anything else. Sometimes by keeping most of the boat simple you can have a much larger vessel for the same budget as a smaller, more complex package. Bigger is always better.
Next, you will find the best buys if you go against the current fads, whatever they may be.
Older boats, especially some of the later CCA designs are typically much better values with good sea qualities.
Good luck with your search