Clamp Meters


We were using our clamp meter one morning in Norway to check the Oberdorfer 1/4HP fuel transfer pumps, so we thought we’d mention this very handy tool.

The red lever on the left side, just above the digital read out, opens the red jaws at the top of the meter. You place these around one of the cables, and then read the amperage being used. In this case the motor is drawing 11.4 amps at 24 VDC, just right for a 1/4HP motor under load.

Measuring the amps of any electrical device is a good way to tell if there are problems. If the current is higher than normal, you know further checking is in order.

This meter does both AC and DC. We carry a second meter which is about 1/3rd this size for AC only loads in tight spaces.

Posted by Steve Dashew  (October 28, 2009)

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